Author Topic: Time Machine - Markets not loading  (Read 3072 times)

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Time Machine - Markets not loading
« on: 21 May 2014, 22:24 »

I am running some markets through Time Machine.

I am getting big chunks of selected markets not appearing. the error message is:

Loading market information...

the markets appear in the event tree fine. they simply do not register when the time machine is working along the timeline.

so, i am left with a string of 50 markets that do nothing, and then it starts working again using the correct trigger file seemingly at random

can someone help?

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Re: Time Machine - Markets not loading
« Reply #1 on: 22 May 2014, 12:49 »
Hi jonargo,

You can't download new markets when Time Machine is working. You need to stop it first. Try to stop it please, then right-click on the market and select "Redownload this market", then let me know if this helped.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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