  • #1 by Sputnik123 on 03 Nov 2020
  • I use this formula in my trigger after a goal is scored in soccer. 
    "Selection's Trigger Expression (now_time-last_inplay)/0.00001157 is greater than 15"
    But it seems that the timestamp for now_time and last_inplay doesn’t match. The trigger fire as soon the market got back inplay, after the goal. If I write the time to a file, I got this:
    now_time = 18:28:56
    last_inplay = 18:28:04
    Any suggestion how to solve this?
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 03 Nov 2020
  • Hello!

    I get a different experience, i.e. the program waits for the specified number of seconds after the goal.

    The best way to wait for a few seconds after a goal is to use the built-in condition:

    Market's Minutes since last goal is greater than X/60

    where X is the number of seconds you need.

    However, if the score is nil, this condition won't work correctly, so you may want to add a condition block instead:

    Selection's Trigger Expression market_score1 + market_score2 is greater 0
    and Market's Minutes since last goal is greater than X/60
  • #3 by Sputnik123 on 03 Nov 2020
  • Thanks for the solution Oxa. I know about that syntax. Although if I interpret its behavior correctly it will just wait X seconds after the goal. If that's the case, Betfair hold the market suspended randomly after a goal. My trigger is built upon the big swings after the market is back inplay and I try to use the volatility to my advantage. One related question, do time machine/test mode include betfair’s inplay delay when placing bets?
  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 04 Nov 2020
  • Quote
    One related question, do time machine/test mode include BetFair’s inplay delay when placing bets?

    No, I'm afraid not.
  • #5 by Sputnik123 on 12 Nov 2020
  • Oxa, is the fomula "Selection's Trigger Expression (now_time-last_inplay)/0.00001157 is greater than 15" solid in real mode and just instable in time machine? 

  • #6 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 13 Nov 2020
  • In what way is it unstable?
  • #7 by Sputnik123 on 14 Nov 2020
  • Well, as the first post describes. The timestamp isn't right in time machine. I guess it would be more reliable in real mode?
  • #8 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 15 Nov 2020
  • The timestamp isn't right in time machine.

    The timestamp in Time Machine reflects the current time on the virtual timeline. If it were instead holding the actual time, you wouldn't be able to run all the usual triggers that, for example, measure the time that has passed since the last goal, as the time of goal is also recorded in relation to the virtual start of the event.
  • #9 by Sputnik123 on 16 Nov 2020
  • Thanks, Oxa. I was aware of the syntax. I wrote a long answer. As I was explaining the problem in detail, I found the error I had made. 
    When a goal is scored, the market is not suspended immediately. My trigger fired when the goal was scored but before the market got suspended. It gave me the last inplay time before the goal was scored not the suspension after the goal was scored. I solved the problem with a timer trigger.
    I post the trigger if it can help someone else.
  • #10 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 17 Nov 2020
  • Thank you for sharing what you've found out Sputnik123!