Author Topic: [Trigeer] It is possible?  (Read 3163 times)

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[Trigeer] It is possible?
« on: 24 Dec 2013, 12:25 »
I would like to implemented the following strategy in horse market:
1. Every day read an excel file with the horses to bet on each race track;
2. The strategy is the same for all race tracks but the gains / losses of each race track does not influence the strategy of the other race track.
3. The strategy consists in the following:
     3.1) Making a bet on the horse x in the race track A.
     3.2) If bet lose:
            3.2.1) Recovers the money over the next bet in the same race track A plus the profit we wanted (pre-defined);
            3.2.2) If no more racing for the race track there that day, the losses are "saved" to be recovered in the next race track A in another day.
     3.3) If win bet:
            3.3.1) No more bets made ​​on that day to race track A.

The program would be supposed to open and close the markets automatically without any manual intervention.

It is possible?


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
Re: [Trigeer] It is possible?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Dec 2013, 13:35 »
sorry, but this is not possible, due to if a track has a delayed start or late result etc.
the triggers would not know the result for that track if the next tracks result came in first.
you can do this with seperate profiles/bots and each one only having one market loaded .
so you could name each profile with the tracks name.

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