Author Topic: 1st Favourite in-play trigger (Goes to 3rd fav in-play)  (Read 2759 times)

  • Guest
I have been trying to work this trigger out all day with no luck.. Doing it manually is time consuming even though it has a great track record.

What I am trying to achieve is this;

Remember the fav (Rank 1) just before the race goes into play.

IF the fav goes to rank 3 (3rd fav) in-play then place a lay bet.

30 seconds in-play to let the odds settle down


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  • Posts: 3631
Re: 1st Favourite in-play trigger (Goes to 3rd fav in-play)
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2014, 20:51 »
Attached is your trigger. In the constant you can change the lay amount.  Please use test mode or Time Machine until you are confident with it's operation.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • Guest
Re: 1st Favourite in-play trigger (Goes to 3rd fav in-play)
« Reply #2 on: 02 May 2014, 20:56 »
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Will test in test mode tomorrow :-)



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