View full version: Triggered betting
  1. Remember prices
  2. Brain fried
  3. Triggers on not being recognized
  4. Adapting library trigger
  5. Loss recovery trigger
  6. horse racing place market rank syntax
  7. market name and minutes + seconds
  8. trigger timing issue
  9. Strange lay bets at soccer markets
  10. Back the field + 2
  11. Trigger editor error.
  12. Loss recovery
  13. Please, help with trigger
  14. Laying a one horse around 30-1
  15. Stop loss
  16. Please, help with my trigger
  17. I want pay someone for a trigger-anybody interested?
  18. Delete a market if another market does not exist
  19. Profitable trigger
  20. Remembered selection help.
  21. win / place link
  22. create a delay after in play market suspension..
  23. Rookie Trigger Help PLEASE..
  24. amend trigger to back or lay favorite
  25. Distributing the loss
  26. I don't understand this.. why?
  27. in play trigger
  28. Any help?
  29. Excel Odds Table?
  30. soccer trigger - back 60-70 minutes and draw
  31. Football Holy Grail?
  32. Backing Two Runners
  33. Bet amount round up
  34. trigger location
  35. Help - monitor race and place bets
  36. partial green up for soccer
  37. Help with this
  38. Condition for greyhounds Australia
  39. trigger for tennis
  40. Laying on a sequence of traps, with loss recoupment
  41. Help - Trigger for fav in-play
  42. Percentage of real funds
  43. Using Remember to avoid repeat bet - one extra bet still sneaking out
  44. Using a Database
  45. best way to create an automated betfair trigger excel program
  46. Help whith attempt to green
  47. Duplicate bet escaping - using Trigger Number of runs condition but not working
  48. Trigger library - Repetitive bet until matched - nothing is excuting.......
  49. betting in different markets of the same match
  50. Switch on market at HT...and switch it off again
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