View full version: Triggered betting
  1. In-play football betting using overs and time played
  2. Importing selections from a file
  3. Lay Labouchere Staking Plan
  4. Using "Individually per selection" in User variables
  5. Question about MarketFeeder Pro and Livescore Integration
  6. Futebol - Acrescimos.
  7. Minutes Before the Off (or start time?)
  8. Problem with timing of calculations
  9. BetVPS
  10. Overlays
  11. pw_1_sel_name, returning winner name from previously triggered market
  12. Is there a way to...
  13. Soccer trigger - market correct score
  14. Best method of trading out for a loss
  15. Writing data to excel
  16. Trigger Change Request
  17. Soccer Trigger
  18. Statement
  19. Write selected data to Excel sheet
  20. Selections p/l after event is settled
  21. most_traded_price in-play only
  22. Let luck be your guide, enter and win today!
  23. Imported picks bettings
  24. recorded highest balance and placing bets based on this
  25. Read text from a file in a trigger
  26. Need to change a trigger
  27. problem with wito to file .csv
  28. trigger request
  29. Help needed with trigger on bets getting matched
  30. Modify trigger request
  31. Back under 1.5 and 3.5 goals
  32. Match Betfair's GBP100 on price files PPMAX PPMIN IPMAX IPMIN
  33. Trigger following odds movememnt
  34. Trigger following odds movement / Steams
  35. How do I recover my full p/l on the next bet?
  36. Running several strategies with staking
  37. WOM
  38. Remember Favourite at Start of Race
  39. trigger request
  40. Market support on a selection
  41. BOOT para DUTCHING em LAY para corrida de galgos
  42. NBA trading
  43. tennis betting the fav
  44. make me a free trigger
  45. Add stop loss
  46. GH Forecast MArkets
  47. Custom Multiplier Trigger Based on P/L for Previous Month
  48. Adding info to imported file
  49. Trigger to Import Live Selections
  50. Trigger Following Bet on BF Website
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