  • #1 by racepro on 21 Aug 2014
  • Hi,
    Can someone please explain  how this condition works,
    I understand it is Absolute Value and that it is used for
    repetitive backing and laying.

    ABS(back_payout - lay_payout) is less than 0.1
    Suppose back payout minus lay payout is 2.0 does that mean the block will not close ?
    Does it require a successful scalp before closing ?

    And in the main body of trigger the execute should be set at once per selection?
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 28 Aug 2014
  • This condition checks if the back payout and lay liability of a given selection are more or less equal. This is needed to make sure that all the greening-up / loss distribution is done for this selection, and a new cycle can be started.

    So yes, if the difference is 2.0, this condition will fail and the block will not be closed.

    Not sure about the other question, I guess it is too specific and related to a particular trigger I'm not aware of.
  • #3 by racepro on 28 Aug 2014
  • Thanks Oxa, Understood