Author Topic: Act towards end of a race trigger  (Read 3072 times)

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Act towards end of a race trigger
« on: 02 Feb 2017, 12:35 »
WHi guys

I'm interested in using this trigger,but I'm looking to add on there that I don't want to place a bet if the lay price is more than 60.0

How would I go about doing this please?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Act towards end of a race trigger
« Reply #1 on: 02 Feb 2017, 15:11 »
Add something like Selections Lay price is less than 60

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Re: Act towards end of a race trigger
« Reply #2 on: 02 Feb 2017, 15:22 »

Maybe try looking at this trigger

It allows you to trigger events towards the approximate end of any given race.

might help your strategy


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