Author Topic: actual_sp for dogs?  (Read 2716 times)

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actual_sp for dogs?
« on: 13 Jul 2021, 11:25 »
OK, I am doing lay at SP for dogs.

Is there any way that I can get the actual_sp, and place it in a trigger to log in a text file? I would ideally like to get the stake that the SP bet made, as well?

I can see that the csv statement gives the price, after the event. So, I tried to write a trigger as ["market_name"],["sel_name"],[actual_sp], at market settle, but it's 0.00 every time, so that doesn't work. I then tried to write a log whilst inplay or suspended, again, it's 0.00, so that also doesnt work.

The csv statement logs the price and profit, so why can't I do that manually?

I can get what I need if I just send the statement at the end of the day, by email, but that is more painful than just sending the log files that I write?

Can I do what I require, or is it somehow not possible, and if its not possible, how does the csv statement get written, and can I reproduce this in a trigger?


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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jul 2021, 14:40 »
As far as I am aware, the variable actual_sp is only generated if the market goes in play.   So unless it's one of the televised dog races that goes inplay,  you will not get a value for actual_sp.    The statement data are obtained from your Betfair account.

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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jul 2021, 14:52 »
Not sure if bsp_layp or bsp_layl  will record the data you need.  Sinple to test it out.

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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jul 2021, 16:39 »
OK, thanks for the answers!

Is there some trigger variable I can use to query the betfair statement?


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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #4 on: 16 Jul 2021, 10:17 »
I tested this and I'm getting actual_sp for every market I try including all markets that are suspended at the start.
Just to check:
in your settings is load SP prices ticked
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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #5 on: 16 Jul 2021, 11:41 »
MarkV, thanks so much. load SP prices was unticked! I don't recall unticking load SP prices when I set the profile up, but, maybe I did? Or perhaps it is unticked by default?

I will give that a try today. Thanks again

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Re: actual_sp for dogs?
« Reply #6 on: 16 Jul 2021, 11:57 »
That worked a treat.

Thanks again!


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