Author Topic: Adding info to imported file  (Read 11714 times)

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Adding info to imported file
« on: 07 Dec 2023, 14:29 »
I have been using a file to supply horse names, with the condition in the trigger of 'Selection's name is in file...', and this has been working fine.
I tried to add another field to the file, so it reads:
"Horse Name" <tab> value
where value is an integer, which I intended to be a multiplier for the stake.

I changed the bet amount to read old_amount * imported_1.

But now the trigger log shows 'Selection's name is in file...' as FALSE.

I have been (rightly or wrongly) using 'Import selections for auto trading' using the same file.

Which part of this am I doing incorrectly?

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Re: Adding info to imported file
« Reply #1 on: 08 Dec 2023, 07:03 »
Selections name is in file condition needs just the selection name only on each line in the text file. By adding a value it effectively changes the selection name, so this condition won't work.

The import selections for auto trading procedure already specifies which selections to trigger on, so try this:
Text file format as you have: "Horse Name"<tab>value

  • Make a constant called say stake
  • In the trigger set the amount field to stake*imported_1
  • Remove the condition selections name is in file
  • Import selections for auto trading
In the text file it would be a good idea every selection listed has a value for imported_1 equal or greater than 1

As an option, you could also use something like this in the amount field: IF(imported_1 > 1, stake*imported_1, stake)  
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Re: Adding info to imported file
« Reply #2 on: 08 Dec 2023, 18:43 »
Removing the file input for the trigger did the job.



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