  • #1 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 07 Nov 2013
  • Copied from support request:

    One thing I'm finding hard to control is the markets that appear in the My

    I only want the win markets to appear for horse races from UK & Ireland.
    This filter works but on a few occasions i have seen other markets such as
    e.g. (Dist) - a market for how many distance a horse will win or lose
    by... appear in the list.

    How can I ensure only Win markets appear and no other random markets for a
    particular race
  • #2 by MarkV on 07 Nov 2013
  • Hi
    Use Market Locator
    Add a Market Property:
    Markets Name does not contain Dist
    add further market properties for any others you want to eliminate.
    Please see attached screenshot for an example