Author Topic: Advice needed on this [TCKT19052013PAT]  (Read 4805 times)

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Advice needed on this [TCKT19052013PAT]
« on: 19 May 2013, 19:06 »
Hi There,

I was wondering if the following is at all possible using this bot...

Using inital € 10 bet.

In the correct score a bet in play when the odds reach a certain level...

I only want there ever to be only one live bet in place. so no other bets placed till the market has been settled.

If the bet lost...then place usual stake €10 on the next correct score market where odds reach a certain level.

If the bet won ...then on the next correct score market where odds are at a certain level usual €10 plus 50% of the winnings from the previous market....

if next bet loses...then restore to initial €10....

If wins then next bet is € 10  + 50 % of the last winning bet.

I hope this makes sense...

And thanks a million for any advice.



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Re: Advice needed on this
« Reply #1 on: 19 May 2013, 20:02 »
yes that is possible.
the best way to only have one bet at any time, is to use the balance and available funds condition, because when a bet is made the balance stays as it is and the available funds is the balance minus any bet liability.
the condition would be
and selections trigger expression balance is equal to total_funds
there are a few ways to have triggers bet 10% and 50% extra
you can use a formula in the amount box
or have 2 or 3 triggers to place the bets
first trigger to place a bet if wins is equal to 0
the other triggers to place a bet if wins is equal to 1(for the 50%)
another trigger
if wins is equal or greater than 2 (for the 10%+50%)

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Advice needed on this [TCKT19052013PAT]
« Reply #2 on: 21 May 2013, 09:26 »
Hi McBee,

Thanks a million for the answer on this...

However as a complete novice on pcs...would these conditions take long to set up?

Thanks again for any info



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Re: Advice needed on this [TCKT19052013PAT]
« Reply #3 on: 21 May 2013, 09:49 »
maybe 10 minutes or so.
if you have problems then let me know what you are betting on and the time of the bets, i will then create a trigger.
but it is always better if you can have a go yourself, this way you will learn quicker and be able to alter the triggers as and when you want.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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