Author Topic: [TR] Trigger, please ~ favourite based on price variables  (Read 3748 times)

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Hi, I am new to this and understand I can request a trigger to be created?

The characteristics are as follows...(I wasnt able to find a trigger exactly like this on the forum)

1 - favourite. must be favourite by at least 50 cents, 30 seconds before the off.
2 - favourite price, 30 seconds before the off, must be between two prices that I can change. Lets say, for example, the favourite must be priced between $2.00 and $2.80
3 - the trigger places a bet of $5.00 if the above conditions are met.

Shockingly simple but I just couldnt find something this simple without the trigger containing other complicating factors :-)
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Trigger, please ~ favourite based on price variables
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jul 2017, 21:55 »

Please see your triggers attached. Use the constants to adjust the settings of your triggers.

Make sure you have tested them in Test Mode before switching to real money.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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