Hi Oxa,
This isn't what I asked for. Sorry if I was unclear with the instructions.
What I wanted was a trigger to back a favourite (that favourite rank is a constant) at 10 minutes (I wanted the time to bet to be a constant).
Then just before the start, lay the selection and if the trade is a profit then green up. If the lay results in a loss, keep the loss on that selection so I only lose that money if that horse goes on to win.
Then I wanted the option to be able to choose one or two selections.
so as an example, I back £10 on 5th favourite at 10 minutes. The price I backed was 5.0. Then the trigger will lay that horse at start of race. Let's say the lay price is 6.0. Therefore I have loss of £10 on that trade. The trigger should leave that £10 loss on 5th favourite so if the horse loses I lose nothing. Let's say that the lay price was 4.0 so I make a profit of £10 on that trade. I want the profit to be greened up so that whichever horse wins I will get a share of that profit.
Your trigger seems to place back bets on selections according to the prices, and it doesn't lay at start of race as I asked, so I am left betting on a number of horses! I wanted this trigger to trade the selection. ie, back then lay.