  • #1 by sendandreturn74 on 09 Oct 2016
  • Hiya.. 
    I need to compare if back_matched is greater or less than lay _matched BEFORE any distribute profit/greening etc...

    All the tiny small bets that distribute profit does, interfere with the calculation, as I just need to compare b.m vs l.m for the bets the trigger does excluding distribute profit..

    Could I add a counter that increments with the bet_size for each back and each lay. i.e counter = counter + betsize and counter is remembered for the nest time after the block closes/repeats? :D
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 09 Oct 2016
  • Hi!

    Yes, you can introduce counters for back bets and lay bets (individually for each markets) and add the size of the bet you are placing simultaneously with that bet (i.e., add a second action that sets this variable to the trigger that places the bet).
    However, you would only be able to maintain those variables for the market as a whole, not for individual selections. This should be fine if you only bet on one selection.
  • #3 by sendandreturn74 on 09 Oct 2016
  • Going to get you to help with this via paying for the trigger...thanks Oxa..