Author Topic: Backing in place market if matched in win market  (Read 5179 times)

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Hi Guys

I have a simple trigger placing a back bet in the win market if at certain odds and I want to place a bet in the place market if I get matched. Any ideas on easiest way to link the two markets?


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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #1 on: 19 Mar 2016, 17:41 »
In the betting trigger for the Place Market add the following condition:
and selections trigger expression winplace_back_matched is greater than 0
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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #2 on: 19 Mar 2016, 18:14 »
Thanks for that. I have to confess to posting this in the wrong forum this morning and in the meantime I managed to find this solution in another trigger example but thanks anyway.

One thing you might be able to set me straight on though is how I could place two bets on any one selection, as in the selection appears in more than one betting system . I currently import the selections using the auto-trading button so if I wanted to put 2 separate bets on one of them how could I do this?


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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #3 on: 19 Mar 2016, 18:50 »
I would suggest slightly different back amounts for each system, and to check for no unmatched. example:

system 1, bet amount = 10.00
trigger "system 1 win market bet" number of runs is equal to 1
and selections trigger expression winplace_back_matched is equal to 10
and selections trigger expression winplace_back_unmatched is equal to 0

system 2, bet amount = 11.00
trigger "system 2 win market bet" number of runs is equal to 1
and selections trigger expression winplace_back_matched is equal to 11
and selections trigger expression winplace_back_unmatched is equal to 0

otherwise you are getting into separate banks for each system which is ok in test mode (separate Profiles) but real funds needs two betfair accounts
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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #4 on: 22 Mar 2016, 07:19 »
Thanks for that. Not had chance to implement it as yet but I'm sure that will do the job. I'm actually having problems with the basic trigger and wondered if you could set me straight.

All I need is a trigger to place a back bet in the win market on the imported selection if the odds are between certain values. If this bet is matched then I want a back bet placed on the same selection in the place market. I thought this would be fairly straight forward but what I have come up with is placing bets in-play and these should all be placed pre-off.

Can you help?


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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #5 on: 22 Mar 2016, 08:31 »
Please have a look at the attached screenshot. In the Win market betting trigger you can choose once per market, so the trigger will fire on all matching selections at the moment the trigger executes, or once per selection, where the trigger will fire on any matching selection during the time range.

Please use test mode to try it
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Backing in place market if matched in win market
« Reply #6 on: 22 Mar 2016, 08:42 »
Ok, i'll give it a go.

Thanks for your help


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