Author Topic: Bet, 70 minutes...  (Read 80256 times)

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #45 on: 05 Dec 2012, 01:11 »
It did not work.

The program had to make many bets. I believe that trying to close the position.

Even when not occurred goal.

What can it be?

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  • Élite
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #46 on: 06 Dec 2012, 09:06 »
in the amount box, for the safe lay bet you would have.
this would place a lay bet of 75%(+comm if required) of the back stake thus leaving a 25% loss

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #47 on: 06 Dec 2012, 12:59 »
I tried to make changes, as McBee said.

in: If goal and loss greater than 25% reduce to 25%

Put: bm_backa*.75

in: If goal and loss less than 25% free bet

Put onlu: bm_backa

I chance minutes since off for 2.00 , only for test.

Run test, now.

Sorry my bad inglish.

Thank you.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #48 on: 06 Dec 2012, 15:52 »
Does not work as expected.

He made two bets on the same game.

How can I resolve this?

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #49 on: 06 Dec 2012, 15:58 »
mcbee - thanks for the formula - much obliged.
Nettuno - it should be in amount box

I have tried to do both 25% and 0% in one lay trigger using this formula in Amount:

trigger attached - not tested
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #50 on: 06 Dec 2012, 16:07 »
Error in formula (my mistake sorry)

should be


Paste this into the amount box in the lay trigger
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #51 on: 06 Dec 2012, 16:09 »
Run test, now!!!!

Look at my previous post.

Thank you.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #52 on: 06 Dec 2012, 16:29 »
Does not work as expected.

He made two bets on the same game.

How can I resolve this?
Add this condition to the backing trigger:
and Trigger Backing trigger number of runs is equal to 0
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #53 on: 06 Dec 2012, 16:49 »
Run test now!!!!

Triger in attach.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #54 on: 06 Dec 2012, 17:59 »
Very close!!

The problem of placing two bets this resolved.

Only the output of this trade wrong.

In the example:

He made the correct bet, the odds back $ 4.00 @ 2.30.

After the goal was to odds go to @7.00.

In this Momente the loss is greater than 25%.

The correct bet would be to place the bet $ 3.00 @ 3.10.

Not like he did $3,00 @7,00.

Sorry my bad inglish.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #55 on: 06 Dec 2012, 18:44 »
OK, for the price box we need something like the amount box formula, but based on ticks.
We need to calculate
25% loss ticks from bm_backp = price for 25% loss
0% loss ticks from bm_backp  = price for 0% loss

Can you, or anyone help to do the maths?

it should be something like
IF(lay_price>=bm_backp*(100+25)/100,<price for 25% loss>,<price for 0% loss>)

You may need to use r_ticks or g_ticks. See manual

I have to go now, but will be back tomorrow pm.
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #56 on: 07 Dec 2012, 01:14 »
1. r_ticks(original_price, ticks)
Returns a price that is ticks higher or lower than original_price. If ticks is positive the returned price will be higher, and if it is negative the price will be lower.
For example: r_ticks(6, 4) will return 6.8, and r_ticks(4.1, -5) will return 3.8.

2. g_ticks(price1, price2)
Returns the difference between price1 and price2 in ticks. If price1 is less than price2, the result
will be positive, otherwise - negative. Examples:
g_ticks(2, 3) = 50
g_ticks(4, 3.5) = -10
g_ticks(6, 6) = 0


Add this condition to the backing trigger:
and Trigger Backing trigger number of runs is equal to 0

Dont work.
During the day he returned to make two back in the same game.

  • Élite
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #57 on: 07 Dec 2012, 12:55 »
by altering the lay odds lower, you are making a high risk of not getting matched and losing all you back stake.
there are 2 posibles here

this is what you want with the risk.
odds    stake          back win   lay win
2.3       4                   -1.115   
3.10    3                                       -1
both minus IF the odds go in your favour
put     bm_backp*1.35    in the price box and   bm_backa*.75  in the amount box

or this

odds     stake              back win       lay win
2.3        4                      -2.70   
7           1.32                                          -2.68
both minus BUT matched straight away
put     best    in the price box and    (bm_backa*(bm_backp-1))/(lay_price-1)   in the amount box

also add a condition to place the lay bet after the market stable.
AND markets  lay book% is equal or greater than 97  (this would be better 98 but with a bit of risk)


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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #58 on: 07 Dec 2012, 14:55 »
Thanks for that mcbee. I agree on the risk.

Change the Execute field to: specific number of times 1

I have not checked, but there may be an error in the goal conditions.
Now, the original backing trigger was constructed on the basis of 3 scorelines: 0-0, 1-1 and 2-0.
However, there are many more scorelines added. I think it would be much better to do the score conditions based on the total number of goals.
Selection’s trigger expression market_score1+market_score2 is equal to 0
Selection’s trigger expression market_score1+market_score2 is equal to 1
etc. see pic
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #59 on: 07 Dec 2012, 19:05 »
You're referring to the initial bet back?

Thus it will not work.

For example:

1x0 = Ok, place the bet.
0x1 = No, not place the bet.

2x1 = Ok, place the bet.
1x2 = No, not place the bet.

This initial bet this certain what he's missing is the output.


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