Author Topic: Bet, 70 minutes...  (Read 80262 times)

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #15 on: 19 Nov 2012, 20:54 »

I did triger now complete.

From a look.

Sorry my bad inglish.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #16 on: 19 Nov 2012, 21:03 »
Yes, I saw your trigger from the upload site. It looks OK but I have not fully tested it. I did a quick test to see if it does bet, which it does, so long as you have all the markets loaded and refreshing before the game starts.
It should only place one bet per game.
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #17 on: 20 Nov 2012, 00:15 »
Yes, I saw your trigger from the upload site. It looks OK but I have not fully tested it. I did a quick test to see if it does bet, which it does, so long as you have all the markets loaded and refreshing before the game starts.
It should only place one bet per game.

Yes, exactly, just one bet per game.

If the game is already started it will not make the bet?

If the game is already started it will not make the bet?

For example.
If I log in when a game is on minute 50. He will not make the bet?

Looks like it was strange behavior triger (Atach):

Sorry my bad inglish.

Thank you.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #18 on: 20 Nov 2012, 02:32 »
19:51:21 Checking condition  and Market's Minutes Since the Off is greater than 88.00.
19:51:21 Condition is: FALSE.  
19:51:21 Remaining conditions in the block will not be checked.

Yes, correct – because  “Market's Minutes Since the Off is greater than 88.00”
is measured from actual start of game. But MarketFeeder needs to be logged in before actual start of game to measure “Market's Minutes Since the Off”

If you log in at 50 minutes:
“Market's Minutes Since the Off” = 0 at log in
“Market's Minutes Since the Off” = 1 at 1 minute after log in
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #19 on: 21 Nov 2012, 00:43 »
Thanks MarkV.

I understand how it works.

Do you know if there is any way to triger work. If log in with the game already in play?

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #20 on: 21 Nov 2012, 08:40 »
Yes, there are probably a few ways. But your original requirement was for time since start to be 70 mins, and the conditions structure was built accordingly, so you will need to change this.

If you know the time you are logging in, you can change the condition: minutes since the off. So if you are going to log in at 50 minutes, you can change the condition to (88-18-50) =  minutes since the off is greater than 20. You can set this up as a user variable, which will make it easier to input.

You can just delete the condition: minutes since the off, and you may need to re-structure the score conditions. The trigger will then work immediately based only on current score.

You could also run 2 triggers on different profiles (using caution for data requests):
profile 1 = markets added before start of game
profile 2 = markets added after start of game

Also, consider using variable trigger expression event_start, which is "The scheduled date and time of the market's start. In most cases it does not coincide with the time of the actual start."

You can replace minutes since the off with trigger expression event_off. Then view it in the user variables window, and manually edit it by right-click. (event_start and event_off are in date/time format, so you will need to calculate using date/time format) - maybe better to make a user variable for this and then just edit it when you log in. 
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #21 on: 22 Nov 2012, 01:39 »
MarkV. Thank you again.

But, if at the time I log in there different games with different times in play. How I should I do?

Another question.

When I select ''trigers are actives'' (1)

Still have to select in each market one by one? (2)

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #22 on: 22 Nov 2012, 07:11 »
If you start refreshing markets after the start of the game, you will not be able to accurately measure “minutes since the off”.

I think you need to add your markets well before the start time, and use the setting:
Monitoring Options > Market Refresh > Start monitoring events at xx mins before beginning. Doing this you can use "minutes since the off" and all time measurement problems are resolved.
If you still want to load markets after the game has started, I would suggest a combination of event_start and current score:
Selection’s trigger expression (now_time – event_start)/0.000694 is greater than 88
and the relevant market_score conditions
using event_start is less accurate because you are using the scheduled start time, not actual.

Your second question:
If the triggers are active bulb (1 in your screenshot) is green before you add the markets to My Markets, then the triggers will be active (green bulb) for all added markets (2)
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #23 on: 23 Nov 2012, 20:25 »
MarkV, 100%

The triger work fine!!!

But now. I need to put together, my exit the trade if there is 1 goal.

I'm doing the test with stack of $ 4.00

If there is one goal.

If the loss is greater than $ 1.00.

Putting Lay to $ 1.00 (-25%).

If the loss is less than $ 1.00.

Put the Lay in $ 0.00 (0%).

Do you know how can I do this part?

Sorry my bad inglish.

Thank you.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #24 on: 23 Nov 2012, 22:08 »
You can do a lay trigger, or a distribute loss trigger. Here is example of the distribute loss:

Action: distribute loss between selections
Based on profit% Profit% 25  (this actually means loss%)
Trigger Backing trigger number of runs is greater than 0
and Selection’s Trigger Expression market_pscore1+market_pscore2 is not equal to market_score1+market_score2
and any other conditions you want
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #25 on: 24 Nov 2012, 01:46 »

Please see if this is right.

Cancel, keep or take sp?


Thank you.

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #26 on: 24 Nov 2012, 08:51 »
It looks OK. Best to try it in test mode first.
Selection’s back price condition needs something on the right side
Cancel, keep or SP makes no difference because you are betting inplay
Overall should be unticked
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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #27 on: 24 Nov 2012, 17:29 »
I run the test...

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #28 on: 25 Nov 2012, 03:48 »
It does not work.

The trade was not closed after the occurrence of 1 goal.

What could be wrong?

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Re: Bet, 70 minutes...
« Reply #29 on: 25 Nov 2012, 08:17 »
You have a condition:
"and selection's back price is equal to"
this condition is incomplete, either complete it or delete it

Was the loss percentage of 25 percent met? Perhaps lower this figure for testing.
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