Author Topic: Bet amount on price  (Read 4084 times)

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Bet amount on price
« on: 01 Sep 2017, 12:41 »
This seems so simple, but has been baffling me for days.

If price >9 then bet 20
If price <=9 then bet 40

I could write two triggers, but if the price is 8.00 it will fire trigger 1 and if drifts to 9.10 will fire trigger two. I only want it to fire the once.

I have also tried adding "another action", but cannot seem to be able to give each individual action  their own condition block. Is this possible as the trigger would only fire once depending on the true condition. Or is there a simpler way that I am just missing.


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Re: Bet amount on price
« Reply #1 on: 01 Sep 2017, 15:19 »
in your amount field: IF(back_price>9, 20, 40)
or specify the selection in the formula, e.g. for favourite (rank 1):
IF(r_1_back_price>9, 20, 40)
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Re: Bet amount on price
« Reply #2 on: 01 Sep 2017, 15:32 »

You can also create two triggers, like you did, and make them serve as a stopper for each other by adding the following condition to each of the triggers. Suppose you have Trigger A and Trigger B.

Then in Trigger A:

and Trigger "Trigger B" number of runs is equal to 0

and in Trigger B:

and Trigger "Trigger A" number of runs is equal to 0
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Bet amount on price
« Reply #3 on: 02 Sep 2017, 09:21 »
Hello! You can also create two triggers, like you did, and make them serve as a stopper for each other by adding the following condition to each of the triggers. Suppose you have Trigger A and Trigger B. Then in Trigger A: and Trigger "Trigger B" number of runs is equal to 0 and in Trigger B: and Trigger "Trigger A" number of runs is equal to 0

So I would have to rename the triggers to 'A' and 'B' then use  --- "Trigger B" number of runs is equal to 0--- in the conditions box's?

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Re: Bet amount on price
« Reply #4 on: 02 Sep 2017, 09:24 »
Hi in your amount field: IF(back_price>9, 20, 40) or specify the selection in the formula, e.g. for favourite (rank 1): IF(r_1_back_price>9, 20, 40)

Thank you both for your replies.

I had no idea you could put a condition in the amount box. So simple yet I totally missed it.

Brilliant! Thanks again.


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