  • #1 by jmbt on 02 Aug 2014
  • Hi  :)

    Think Place Market.
    I have a trigger with a few blocks. 2 of them are regarding the number of market selections, because I want it to do X when there are 3 winners, and to do Y when there are only 2 winners.

    I arranged by creating a condition: Market Selection is equal or less than 7 for the trigger I want it to bet on the markets with only 2 winners. And Market Selection is greater than 7 for the market with 3 winners.

    BUT... sometimes there are withdrawn horses and it can change things a bit. I give the example of todays Doncaster race at 15:25.

    There were 9 horses, paying 3 places. But now, 2 of them were withdrawn. Which means there are now 7 horses and it will pay the same 3 places. This will fire the wrong block, do you understand?

    This is all to ask how can I set a block to fire only if the market have 2 or 3 winners. Instead of creating a condition for the total amount of runners.
  • #2 by jmbt on 02 Aug 2014
  • It's Number of places lol I must be blind sometimes. Nevermind this post...
  • #3 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 03 Aug 2014
  • Thanks for posting anyway. :)