Author Topic: Betting every horse in a race why does it keep on happening?  (Read 7986 times)

  • All members
  • Posts: 36
Crap. Just happened again!

A few seconds outage (about 20) and it bet every horse in the race. Only one horse was selected originally. Of course the fav won, but in an open race cost me an extra £26. It has now run into £1000's.

Luckily no other race was active at the time so just this one race today (so far).

  • All members
  • Posts: 36
Only active races were affected this time. I am sure that all races for the rest of the day were affected before, but there has been a new version since my last outage and this time only races active (usually inactive until less than 30 mins to post) were affected, just the one.

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8826
  • Gender: Female

Just to let you know that I am still working to reproduce this bug (did not succeed yet, but I keep trying), and the program log you sent the other day (along with the detailed explanations) helped a lot.

What I can suggest as a temporary workaround is to limit the trigger to back only on X selections at a time.

So in the conditions, add the following condition to the end of the list:

and Selection's Trigger Expression match_index is equal or less than X

This way, even if it goes crazy and activates 10 horses, it will only back on the first X of them, which should limit your losses.

Only active races were affected this time

By active, do you mean the race was refreshing?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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