Author Topic: Betting every horse in a race why does it keep on happening?  (Read 4785 times)

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Today, again, it has happened that my internet went out and when it came back I realised too late that every horse in the race was now selected?

This has cost me many thousands before and only today when I saw it happen live did I realise what was happening.

My horse just won at a short price at Lone star and was too late to stop every horse being bet, but that is what happened.

I had to uncheck every horse in each remaining race as ALL races left today has  ALL the horses selected to bet.

My bets  as normal are waiting to fire, usually one per race and this keeps on happening. If my internet goes out then any race I have selected to fire bets the whole bloody field?

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Perhaps you've got the wrong "market status" category in your trigger ?

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Absolutely not. You are not understanding that I have a single bet to fire NOTHING else is selected at all and my bet fires when the market reaches a certain market percentage over round. A very simple trigger. 

Not only had it done this to the market at lone Star. EVERY race I had left had ALL horses in the race checked to bet. Not just mine but ALL.

When the internet goes out this happens a LOT of the time and my bets are not £2!

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I have been using MFP for way over a decade and it has only happened in the last 2/3 years and did not know why until I saw it live as internet outages are very rare.

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I have to add that my default in settings for any new race is for zero horses to be selected.

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I have luckily noticed that I have three profiles open and it happened with every one of them an not my main one only.

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I would prefer to edit but can also say that I am not using any VPN VPS or Proxy. 

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Windows 10, although this has happened since windows 7.

32G RAM, both Os's.

System resources at least 60% free most of the time and when this has happened before nearly 100% free as I was in bed.

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Firstly running on a VPS would virtually eliminate your internet dropout problems.
Are you importing your selections from a  text file?  If so, reimporting every 60 sec should solve the multiple selection problem.
Do you have the latest version of MFPro installed, as this deals with internet dropouts more effectively?

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Thank you for the reply,

I am really a dinosaur of a user. I don't import from a text file just select a race then open it and click the box to select the horse ready for firing.

I have the latest version but this has now been happening for over two years. This never happened with older versions such as 4.0.

I am at a complete loss as to why when the internet goes out and then reconnects that every horse in every race I have a selection in is now selected for betting.

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Do program/trigger logs offer any clue?

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No, trigger logs just confirm every horse in the race was bet.

Today, as normal with no outages, all races I have left to bet just have the one horse selected. If the internet goes down when it comes back online then the only thing that happens is that is selects all the horses to bet. No trigger involved. MFP will have not have been touched and the computer will not be in use when this usually happens.

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1. How do you add markets to MarketFeeder Pro? Is it manually or using Market Locator? (This is important).

2. Do you have any Market Locator search templates configured to run in the Scheduled Market Search (Monitoring Options)?

3. Can you email your Program Log to support at for us to try and find out what's happening?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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1, manual.
2, No,
3, I have emailed support the logs and received a confirmation email back that a ticket has been opened.

I would have emailed support earlier, but did not know the email address as in 10+ years have never needed to. I have only ever had one or two small queries in all that time and usually get answered here very quickly.

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  • Posts: 8826
  • Gender: Female
I have started testing MF Pro according to your report to try and catch this bug, and as I said in the ticket response, I will get back to you as soon as I have the first results.

Meanwhile please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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