Author Topic: Betting from inside Excel help  (Read 2832 times)

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Betting from inside Excel help
« on: 06 Mar 2013, 17:19 »
I'm completely new to this software, and it is a little bit hard to figure out things.
All I need is to place/cancel bets from Excel. For example: If cell A15 = 1 Back selection1.
I only need Back/Lay, Cancel bets and Green out for markets with 2 selections.

I'we had a look in "Help" but it only has couple of examples and doesn't show how to do it exactly.

Can it be done by a beginner ? I'm ok with using excel and VBA, just need peaces of code and where to put them :))

Any help would be very appreciated

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Re: Betting from inside Excel help
« Reply #1 on: 06 Mar 2013, 19:08 »
It is better to bet from the program taking data to and from Excel using Custom Cells.
See this video
and also the manual for an understanding of Custom Cells and Excel Bound Variables.
Excel Bound Variables reference cells in Excel in your trigger.
You can use VBA to bet directly from Excel, some sample code is given in the manual, but users who do so, or are knowledgeable on this are sparse on here.
This forum also has some good material on the subject. If you have not done so already, search “excel”.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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