I have been experimenting with various things to try to do what I want
In the version that I attach now, I first try to create a new variable firstgame_market_parent_id in Match Odds markets, hopefully in the way you suggested
I then try to get the program to remember this market_parent_id and PlayerName if odds are in the 1.5-1.8 odds range
I then try to back the 1.5-1.8 player in the Match Odds market. This seems to work most of the time although ive got many more conditions than i wanted to use. I did want to do it without specifying “match odds between 1.5 and 1.8” because I thought the program would only remember the Players who were in that range anyway (because I have the odds 1.5-1.8 as a condition in both Remember statements), but before I put in the odds condition then it backed every favourite??
Finally, by far my most important step – where I try to get the program to Remember all players that were priced 1.5-1.8 in the win market to then back them on the n-0 set betting market. I cant quite work out what to do here and how to get it working properly. I think I have to use something to do with the firstgame_market_parent_id, ie. to link it back to matches where i found a 1.5-1.8 favourite, and thus where firstgame_market_parent_id will be set and remembered.
As stands, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. For some matches in the 1.5-1.8 win odds range, then sometimes it places the win bet and 2 place bets; but other times it places no bets!! I cant understand the reasons and am getting confused.
One major problem is that even if I work out the above with your help, then I only know how to bet on both players to win n-0, but I actually only want to bet in the place market on the player whose win odds are in the range specified (1.5-1.

, not on the outsider too. I know i could put in a condition like "and name contains dodig" to get it to bet on 3-0 to Dodig and not his opponent but I need a way of coding it so that the program knows to just place set betting bets on the player whose win odds are in the desired range?
Many thanks for your help