Author Topic: Betting on a related market [TCKT25052013LMR]  (Read 5779 times)

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Betting on a related market [TCKT25052013LMR]
« on: 25 May 2013, 14:24 »

I wanted to make some bets on tennis set betting market on a player to win n-0 (n=2 or 3) if their win market odds are in a certain range.  Eventually I would plan to have a series of conditions for players depending on their win odds.  Obviously these conditions would have to vary for whether it was a 3 or 5 set match but I wont worry about that now.

At present the attached just tries to remember players if they fit certain win odds criteria and then bet on them in the win market if they do.  An example is Dodig v Pelia where Dodig odds are around 1.65.  

So how do I tweak what ive got or add a condition that instead goes on the set betting market and backs Dodig to win 2-0 at 2.5, whenever his win odds are in the range I defined?  (1.6-1.8)

From what I have read then I suspect I perhaps need to use things like ‘Selections name contains “2-0” ‘ and possibly something related to market_parent_id but another problem I face is that the player name is listed full name in win market but normally just the surname in setbetting (eg. Ivan Dodig in win but Dodig 3-0 in set betting; although there are exceptions like A Beck 3-0 because there are two Becks).  I could work around this with mid and find functions in excel but not sure about what to do on MFP?

Finally, from viewing user variables then sel_name always seems to take on the first value listed in a given market but PlayerName often takes on a different value.  Eg. Dodig v Pelia set betting then sel_name=Dodig3 but PlayerName=Pelia1. Can you explain why this is?

Many thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Betting on a related market
« Reply #1 on: 25 May 2013, 19:02 »
yes , you are correct with the link markets, that you would use  market_parent_id
to do this you would call the variable something like    firstgame_market_parent_id , then with the condition and markets name contains  (the first market name).

with your other question about the name problem, all that you do is add the condition.
and selections name contains  dodig
you don't need to have the "" or the capital D, as the contain looks for the word to match.
your last question, the answer is, if you just put sel_name with no favourite or index, the bot looks at the first favourite in the list.
by adding r_2_ the bot looks for the second favourite,   r_ = rank
by adding s_3_ the bot looks for the selection index 3,  s_ =selections index

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Re: Betting on a related market
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2013, 20:10 »

I have been experimenting with various things to try to do what I want

In the version that I attach now, I first try to create a new variable firstgame_market_parent_id in Match Odds markets, hopefully in the way you suggested

I then try to get the program to remember this market_parent_id and PlayerName if odds are in the 1.5-1.8 odds range

I then try to back the 1.5-1.8 player in the Match Odds market.  This seems to work most of the time although ive got many more conditions than i wanted to use.  I did want to do it without specifying “match odds between 1.5 and 1.8” because I thought the program would only remember the Players who were in that range anyway (because I have the odds 1.5-1.8 as a condition in both Remember statements), but before I put in the odds condition then it backed every favourite??

Finally, by far my most important step – where I try to get the program to Remember all players that were priced 1.5-1.8 in the win market to then back them on the n-0 set betting market.  I cant quite work out what to do here and how to get it working properly.  I think I have to use something to do with the firstgame_market_parent_id, ie. to link it back to matches where i found a 1.5-1.8 favourite, and thus where firstgame_market_parent_id will be set and remembered. 

As stands, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt.  For some matches in the 1.5-1.8 win odds range, then sometimes it places the win bet and 2 place bets; but other times it places no bets!!  I cant understand the reasons and am getting confused.

One major problem is that even if I work out the above with your help, then I only know how to bet on both players to win n-0, but I actually only want to bet in the place market on the player whose win odds are in the range specified (1.5-1.8), not on the outsider too.   I know i could put in a condition like "and name contains dodig" to get it to bet on 3-0 to Dodig and not his opponent but I need a way of coding it so that the program knows to just place set betting bets on the player whose win odds are in the desired range?

Many thanks for your help

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Re: Betting on a related market
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jun 2013, 10:08 »
Hi Mcbee (or anyone else).  Are you able to help me out with this as I hit a bit of a dead end?!


  • Élite
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Re: Betting on a related market
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jun 2013, 14:56 »
when i first looked at this, i could not find any tennis markets with set, so i hit a brick wall.
i have now found some markets with set, so tested a bit.
you have not included a condition in the set betting trigger for any odds range.
so you need to add the condition
and selections back price is between (your minimum price) and (your maximum price)

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