Author Topic: Betting win market fav to place inplay when its NOT the fav  (Read 5110 times)

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  • Posts: 3
Hi guys,

I am wanting to bet the win market fav to place in play even when its NOT the favourite in the place market.

At the moment i've got
Markets = place
Selection = first matching selection
Condition = selections trigger expression winplace_r_1_back_price is less than 1.5
         and selections trigger expression sel_name is equal to winplace_sel_name

This still doesn't always bet on the right horse.

Any help greatly aprreciated.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
and selections trigger expression sel_name is equal to winplace_sel_name

maybe try
and selections trigger expression sel_name is equal to winplace_r_1_sel_name

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Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. I haven't tried that. I'll give it a go and see how it goes.


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8826
  • Gender: Female
Here's my suggestion (attached). In short, it picks the selection whose rank in the corresponding win market is equal to 1 (i.e. it is the favourite in the win market).

BTW, I assume that your first condition

selections trigger expression winplace_r_1_back_price is less than 1.5

makes the trigger back only in those races where the favourite in the win market is priced less than 1.5. If that is not what you intended, you need to change that condition 'cause it narrows down the range of markets significantly.

The second condition
and selections trigger expression sel_name is equal to winplace_sel_name

looks like always true to me. The prefix winplace_ addresses the identical selection in the adjacent market, so its name will always be equal to the name of the twin selection.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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  • Posts: 3
Hi Oxa,

 basically i was wanting to bet the win market favourite to place (in play) as soon as it looked like the most likely winner.

Maybe not a sound strategy over time, i know, but i was monitoring 2 MFP's side by side for the win and place markets and realised my trigger wasn't always selecting the "true" fav(the win market fav)

The installed list were either for the place market fav (which isnt always the win market fav) or waited until the place market fav was equal to the win market fav. An option of course but that doesnt always happen.

I was just wanting to bet the win market fav, "to place", regardless of what was happening in the place market.

So thanks ever so much for the trigger. I'll test it out.

P.S i changed market status to in play although i realise at my current 1.5 this will trigger as soon it turns in play on some races.

Thanks again.


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