Author Topic: Block written in v7 works when opened but not when copied into v8 created file??  (Read 3187 times)

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  • Posts: 31

Attached "Cancel Unmatched Lay Repeat Until Filled" was created in v7 & still works, but when I copy the block into Trigger file called "Moneymaker" (also attached)created in v8, it only submits the initial bet (so selection txt list using talking marks works fine) but it does not cancel & lay again at higher back price as it would usually when I did it through opening the v7 Trigger file.

The trigger basically lays horses on a list and depending on the minutes before start if not matched after x secs defined in the constants lists in both files it will cancel and re-submit lay at new prevailing back price.

Is there anything about v8 created Trigger files that means what I have written here in v7 is no longer compatible?? I have the same time constants defined but Im worried maybe some trigger instructions may not be compatible anymore - any one who can take a look and find why this wouldn't work in both files I would be very appreciative.

(note :  in case anyone is wondering why I don't just use the v7 file I usually have several Block Triggers usually in this file but I removed them from this copy before posting online for privacy of my other ideas)

Thank you anyone in advance....everytime I engage with this forum I tend to learn quicker and it tends to increase my confidence of trying new things.


  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
I've not tested your triggers, but in the moneymaker, close block name is undefined, which would explain why it does not repeat. Your trigger logs should confirm.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 31
Huge thanks for that Mark I probably would taken days to notice that. It worked. I had given up.


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