Author Topic: Can we do this yet? (data lookup from csv file)  (Read 2567 times)

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  • Posts: 345
Hi there... been a bit out of touch with MF lately..

Is it possible to do something like this yet?


I have a CSV file.. with hundreds of Greyhound Dog names down one column and a Strike Rate value in the next column

Can I have market feeder lookup the dog name and read and return the strike rate so I can do some logic on it...?

eg if returned value is < 20 then i know i can lay it or whatever ..?

I think.. going forward.. it would be awesome if MF could use some sort of cURL routine to grab data from web services... sites.. the ability to communicate with other bits of data is a bit limited!!!!


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Re: Can we do this yet? (data lookup from csv file)
« Reply #1 on: 02 Jan 2020, 09:46 »

Yes, you can import multiple columns of data from a CSV file, see here:

5. Can I import several values from a text file

it would be awesome if MF could use some sort of cURL routine to grab data from web services

If you mean data scraping, then that would be illegal from the point of view of the owners of those web services.
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