Author Topic: Cancel a specific bet  (Read 10157 times)

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Cancel a specific bet
« on: 07 Nov 2012, 22:57 »

In the manual I could read about vba subs for canceling specific bets (by ID). At the same page it was written that those things could be done in MF as well.

Can anybody tell me how can I use MFPro trigger to cancel just one bet from a list of ... lets say 10 unmatched bets (on the same selection) by the BET ID?

Without using vba (I tried using that but it freezes Excel and MFP)

Thank you in advance !

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #1 on: 07 Nov 2012, 23:30 »
Action: your choice of the various Cancel Actions, with the special Cancel Options (click “more options”)
Conditions: to include filtering on bu_backid or bu_layid
price/amount is specified in Cancel Options but you can also specify price/amount in your conditions
e.g. you know the betID you want to cancel, the only condition required is:
selection's trigger expression bu_backid is equal to <the betID>
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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #2 on: 08 Nov 2012, 06:44 »
I have tried that with "cancel all" and condition "selection's trigger expression bu_backid is equal to.." but from my understanding bu_backid checks for the last unmatched bet not in the entire list. Anyway I have tried this with the last bet and it cancels all my unmathced bets.
In the more options off the cancel actions I could not see anything related to betID only price and amount options.

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #3 on: 08 Nov 2012, 07:35 »
Cancel All will do precisely that. Try the same again with Cancel Back, with appropriate conditions. You may be right about bu_backid, so a workaround would be to use a user variable, or price in the conditions. It is a bit difficult not knowing the flow of your trigger, but surely you would only want to cancel a bet at a specific price, amount, or time elapsed, and this could be done using a user variable or inbuilt variables.

Also have a look at the Remember action (with remember bets switched on), and see if you can retrieve a specific betiD through Remembered Selections Variables.

One other thought (only speculating), you had mentioned Excel earlier. If the list of betID is available there, you could identify the betID in Excel and pass that back to MFP for use in a user variable.
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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #4 on: 08 Nov 2012, 07:50 »
Thanks for the prompt reply !

I will give you an example. There is no trigger yet , I just want to know the method for canceling that specific bet.

Selection Juventus:
I have 5 back bets on different prices that are placed at the 5th, 6th, 7th , 8th, 9th, 10th minute of the game at the available back price + 1. The available back would be 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 so the back bets placed would be 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7. The fact is those bets are unmatched at the moment and I need to cancel the low priced one.

I can't use the cancel options to set a price options because I don't know every time what odds I would have.

There is no problem knowing the ID of the bet I want to cancel. But it won't filter the bets if I use conditions , it will filter selections only.

For example : if I use cancel back with condition bu_backid = "ID" providing a correct ID of the 2.2 bet, it will not cancel that bet only, but all my unmatched bets.

Using excel would do, but it freezes. By using excel I mean VBA with the code provided on the manual for "canceling a bet with specific ID". When the VBA code execution reaches "feed = Application.DDEInitiate("FEEDER7", "betting")" , it freezes both EXCEL and MFP7.

I am surprised that such an option is not available in MFP7 triggers. Or maybe there is a workaround ?

No matter which of those two problems (trigger / excel vba) you would solve, I would be indebted !

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #5 on: 08 Nov 2012, 08:10 »
Thanks for your description. I understand better now what you trying to do, but I don’t have a solution for you I’m afraid.

You are right, any Cancel Action will cancel ALL unmatched bets as per the special Cancel Options.
I thought for a moment of placing an opposing bet, but of course that will get matched at best price, so can’t be used.

Only other thing I can suggest is a mechanism to re-place the cancelled bets which you want to keep, but this negates your advantage in the bet queue.

Perhaps someone else might suggest an idea?   
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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #6 on: 08 Nov 2012, 10:17 »
you could try
cancel back
selections trigger expression bu_backa is greater than 0
and selections trigger expression bu_backp is the minimum
i have not tried this, but what should happen is
any selection that has a unmactched amount
and the unmatch price is the lowest

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #7 on: 08 Nov 2012, 10:21 »
By "bu_backp is the minimum" it would chose the selection that has the lowest back price unmatched bet, among other selections (there are no other selections because you took them out by bu_backa>0), but would cancel all back bets of that selection !

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #8 on: 08 Nov 2012, 10:34 »
The only thing that is near the solution would be replacing all those bets after each cancel, as MarkV said. Is there any other idea for a solution without loosing the bet queue advantage ?

I think that this must be a good idea for a future action for triggers : "Cancel bets by ID"

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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #9 on: 08 Nov 2012, 17:16 »
I have an idea, but I’ll leave the testing to you.
I believe in the Cancel “more options” you can use expressions
So if we apply a test to see if the bu_backid matches the betID, we can set a price range to cancel or not

Priced between 1.01 and IF(bu_1_backid = [betID], back_price, 1.02)

In theory, if the ID of bet number 1 on the selection does not match the actual betID, the above should only cancel bets priced between <1.01 and 1.02>

If the betID is equal to bu_1_backid, the price range is set to <1.01 to current back price>. I think you can do all sorts of variations on this if it works. Good luck and let us know how you get on.  
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Re: Cancel a specific bet
« Reply #10 on: 08 Nov 2012, 17:32 »
Didn't imagine I could insert formulas in there ! :) Yes it works.
Perfect idea !
Congrats for the open mind !


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