Author Topic: Problem using Close Block to Cancel unmatched & resubmit  (Read 2545 times)

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Wondering if I can lay this out more easily so that someone might notice what I've done wrong.

My aim was to submit lay bet then cancel any unmatched portion and resubmit the balance to market at current Best Lay offer price until a total of $20 is matched. All triggers refer to a list of horses in a .txt file saved to my hard drive which list the horses in the format 1.[space]Horse name.

Does the following structure have any faults ? This is how I would succinctly describe the trigger file attached.

1st trigger in Block :   Cancel then Lay that triggers if the market is within 8 mins of start (Cancels any unmatched amount and submits lay for wager amount = 20 minus the amount matched so far.

2nd & final trigger in Block :  Lay & Close Block that triggers following execution of one of either three triggers (effectively same trigger inxs as Step 1 but with the frequency of when to re-submit defined in three different scenarios differing according to how many minutes before race starts, starting from 6 minutes before race).

When I last tried I re-loaded all markets, re-attached the .txt file, gone through settings to enable activating of triggers within 8 minutes, I can't figue out why this is not working. Could a kind person please give me any suggestion as to what I might have wrong or what I need to be double checking.

Would greatly appreciate someone's help.



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