Author Topic: Cant get trigger to work in some markets [TCKT17052013TRG]  (Read 15842 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
i have tried the triggers and had no failed cancels.
BUT, i have been using test mode, if you have been using live, then it is possible that the outstanding bets were not visible for the bot to cancel due to the api been slow or some other reason.
so to make sure that all bets get cancelled,change the cancel trigger from once per market.
to  no more than  5.00 sec.
this will keep repeating the trigger every 5.00 seconds to make sure that the bets are cancelled.

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  • Posts: 35

Interesting - I am on Test too, getting a timestamp of about 4 seconds (if i reduce the RefreshRates, secs box from 4 to 2 then will that change the timestamp down towards 2 and help some of the issues Ive experienced, or does it not work like that?)

I changed the Cancel trigger to Execute no more often than 5 secs and generally seems to work well, with no double sized bets etc in the couple of races i have tried.  Will obviously get a better idea once bets start being matched close to race off-times tomorrow but thanks a lot!  So before this change, it wasnt looking regularly enough and unmatched bets were getting posted in the interim, thereby confusing the way the trigger worked?

The only issue is that when I place manual bets on bf then the Test cannot cancel them (I wouldnt want it to anyway) and so it then stalls as presumably it cannot close the block as unmatched bets exist in the market; and thus fails to place any more bets.  Is there a tweak we can make to the conditions so that it refers to unmatched bets placed by this trigger, rather than unmatched bets in the market as a whole?

Thanks again

PS Can i easily remove the confirmation box where i have to confirm to place new bets at end of every 24-second period, so that they are just placed automatically until i stop the triggers?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
if you want to test your triggers without been interrupted by live bets, then in settings at the top of the bot screen.
select general options
now un tick the update main and aus wallets

to stop the confirmation
at the top of the general options screen
un tick Request confirmation for every critical operation

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  • Posts: 35
Thanks a lot mcbee; got that to work. 

I wanted to add some backs too, so tried to adjust the code (adding a favourite back at 990 to guarantee unmatched bets and adjusting the cancel conditions so that they are analogous to the lays).  Not sure if ive done it right?  Seems to mainly work but a couple of bugs:

1) Often seems to throw up bets even after the race has started, ie. is inplay.  I dont understand why as I think i have all bets set to cancel as it goes inplay but could it again be something to do with the time it is taking to process the various instructions ?

2) When a horse is in the 12-20 price range then it is being backed and laid.  If one of these bets gets matched in the 24-second period then the other side of the bet gets cancelled, again not what I ideally want (ie. if a horse is 14-14.5 and the 14.5 back gets matched then the 14 lay is cancelled immediately)

Many thanks for your help

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
the cancel, is only for umatched bets, the bot will still bet in-play.
you need to set your back triggers to idle or suspend (where it says All except settled)
this tells the trigger to only activate before in-play.
for your other to cancel when matched.
you need to add a new block to your cancel trigger
OR new block
and trigger  Backing some selections number of runs per selection is greater than 0
and selections back_matched is greater than 0

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  • Posts: 35
OK I have changed all betting triggers in my program to "Idle or Suspended"

I may be wrong, but I think you may have misunderstood what I want regarding the second point.  Where the triggers post up a back and a lay for horses priced 12-20 (because of the price conditions), eg. a back at 14.5 and a lay at 14 then when one of these is matched , lets say the back at 14.5 is matched then at present I want the lay at 14 to stay on the system (until the end of the 24-second period) - however the triggers are at present deleting the second bet (in this case the lay at 14) as soon as the first bet is matched.  This is what I want to remedy if possible

Here is an example, where Roxy flyer is laid at 18.5 and the back at 19 is cancelled immediately at 2006:40

20:06:28   Cancelling the following bets in market "Horse Racing - Todays Card / 20:10 Wind":
LAY £ 4.00 at 1.01 on "Proofreader"
The bet was placed/cancelled by Bets were cancelled by: Cancel after n mins.
20:06:36   Going to LAY £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Proofreader'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Fave lay 1.01 to ensure unmatched bets so bets always posted after n min".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 990.00 on selection 'Proofreader'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Fave back 1000".
20:06:36   Going to LAY £ 4.00 at 18.50 on selection 'Roxy Flyer'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Laying some selections".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 3.15 on selection 'Proofreader'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Backing some selections".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 4.30 on selection 'Duke Of Clarence'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Backing some selections".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 4.50 on selection 'Ustura'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Backing some selections".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 7.80 on selection 'Icebuster'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Backing some selections".
20:06:36   Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 19.00 on selection 'Roxy Flyer'. Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "Backing some selections".
20:06:40   Cancelling the following bets in market "Horse Racing - Todays Card / 20:10 Wind":
BACK £ 4.00 at 19.00 on "Roxy Flyer"
The bet was placed/cancelled by Bets were cancelled by: Cancel after n mins.


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  • Posts: 35
Hi mcbee

Thanks for your help on the other thread today

I remembered that I never figured out the points i mentioned below on this thread  but also i tried to write a similar program based on similar conditions and cancels etc

I wanted it to place bets if the market move fits two conditions, one relating to one time period and another relating to a different one.  There are a mixture of backs and lays.  The intention was to post bets at start of a long (1 min ) period, obviously if they also fit the conditions relating to the shorter (36 sec) period.

It basically doesnt work properly in various ways - I cant really figure it out but think that perhaps the addition of a second time period is conflicting with some of the attempts to cancel all and/or close block??  The errors it produces differ by race - Often it cancels bets for no reason, almost immediately after theyve been posted or as soon as one bet gets matched on a different selection.  Less frequently, bets are appearing part way thru the long periods and sometimes I think some rogue bets dont even cancel whilst other bets are being cancelled at that time. 

Is the block only looking for horses with the required price move at the start of each long (1min) period asI want it to, or is it doing something different?

Any suggestions appreciated!

Many thanks

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
had a quick look but not tested yet.
with you adding back bets to the set of triggers, you must add this condition to the close block trigger
and markets number of unmatched back bets is equal to 0
with this added,this will tell the trigger to wait until there are no unmatched lay bets and no unmatched back bets, then close the block.
as it is now it only waits until there are no unmatched lay bets

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Just so im clear, is the Close Block just a mechanism to get the trigger block to restart, otherwise it would just stall after the initial cancellation of some bets?

I was thinking that there would only be unmatched back bets if there were unmatched lay bets (because of the presence of the 1.01 and 1000), and thus didnt think it would make any difference adding the condition about unmatched back bets

PS  What happens if i applied something like this to a market i had only just started "playing" (refreshing).  It needs a minute to do the relevant calculations (ie. based on price change in last minute) so would it just do nothing before then, and then kick in and work properly? 

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
you could try in your cancel trigger (in both the OR blocks)
and selection's trigger expression now_time is equal or greater than refresh_start*(mf_minute*Min_Wait)
this will wait 1 minute then wait for the (first unmatched bet for 1 minute)

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