Author Topic: Cant get trigger to work in some markets [TCKT17052013TRG]  (Read 15844 times)

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I have been experimenting with simple triggers and generally getting them to work but can you explain the following?

I wrote one that puts up a simple lay bet at back_price+b_tick but seems to not work in all markets but does in others, so its not like the syntax can be massively wrong

Are there some niche markets which the bot doesnt work for?  Or can you think of any other explanation?  In the markets where it isnt posting lays then it DOES post lays in other markets on the same football match

Both triggers i refer to are set to cover "all markets", "all matching selections". and i have generally been using a condition of  "Selection's back price is less than 3.5" although even if i dont use a condition at all then it still wont post bets in some markets but does in others

Many thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2013, 12:20 »
could you include your triggers, so that i can look and try them to see why they are randomly placing bets.
use the Additional Options below the reply box to add the triggers

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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2013, 13:00 »
I cant see Additional Options and a search doesnt find it on the page other than your mention - is this option available to Trial users, or am i being stupid?

  • Élite
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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #3 on: 17 May 2013, 13:10 »
it should be at the bottom left of your reply area/screen.
they have a post limit of 5 before you can use it but you are well above that.
if not then try this as your formula
this=back price plus 1 tick more

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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #4 on: 17 May 2013, 13:39 »
OK i see it now when i am actually replying; i thought you meant below "reply" on the main forum page

I think i have worked out my problem - certain markets that weren't working had "triggers turned off" selected to the top left of prices = red light bulb (next to Auto Greenup is off button).  What determines whether this button is on or off as default as it seems to vary?

Another quick question: How can i add a condition that tells the system to cancel any unmatched bets in a given trigger, if they are not matched within 10 minutes, say, and then to immediately re-run the trigger at that time?

PS my question about excel problems is unresolved so it is still not linking, havent heard anything back from Oxa or support (whom i emailed) yet.  I assume they are just busy

Many thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #5 on: 17 May 2013, 14:05 »
i think oxa returns today, so maybe work tomorrow.
answer to your question
manual number 27 ,  close block
27.         close block

Name of trigger block
 Choose the name of the trigger block you want to close


Finds a trigger block with the name specified and resets the state of all triggers in that block so that they can be executed again.

If the block's "Repeat" parameter is set to "no more often than" or "specific number of times" you must add a trigger that closes the block which effectively gives the program a command to repeat the block.

In the conditions of the closing trigger put the criteria for repeating the block, and be as accurate as possible. For example, if you repeatedly bet and green up, in the closing trigger put a condition that checks that there aren't any unmatched bets and that every selection's back and lay payouts are equal (or differ very slightly).

so you would have 2 actions in 1 trigger
action , cancel all
action close block (the name/number of your betting block)
and markets number of unmatched (back or lay)bets is greater than 0
and selections trigger expression now_time is equal or greater than  bu_(lay or back)time+(mf_minute*10)

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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #6 on: 17 May 2013, 15:38 »
OK, so i have my origiNal simple trigger, which lays all selections priced >9.

Then i added a new trigger including the two actions you kindly described, cancel all and close block, with the conditions about having unmatched bets for 10 mins etc.

It doesnt seem to work - it places the lays fine originally but then does nothing at the specified 10 mins.  The trigger tries to run the "cancel all and close" trigger at the start, so the trigger log shows the conditions are FALSE, but then doesnt do or log anything 10 mins later. 

Do i need to add something so it knows to rerun the block after those 10 mins have elapsed?  If so, how would i do that?

Many thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #7 on: 17 May 2013, 15:47 »
it would be easier if you included the triggers, then i could tell you what you need to do.

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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #8 on: 17 May 2013, 15:52 »
OK, here you go!

  • Élite
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Re: Cant get trigger to work in some markets
« Reply #9 on: 17 May 2013, 16:41 »
my mistake.
with having the 2 actions in one trigger, the cancel did not get chance to cancel before the close block activated.
so you need 1 trigger to cancel all (name the trigger cancel after 10 mins)
with the conditions
markets number of unmatched lay bets is greater than 0
and selections trigger expression now_time is equal or greater than bu_laytime+(mf_minute)*10
another trigger to close the block (the complete block not trigger)
so close block (the number or name of the block)(you will find this at the top left of the trigger screen,under the constants, New trigger xxxxxxxxx , you can change this to a name if you want)
and trigger cancel after 10 mins number of runs is greater than 0

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Hi, Ive been playing about with this (trigger attached) and have a few problems/questions

1) Without my Trigger Fave lay 1.01 addition (on which more later) then it works fine (hopefully I input the conditions etc as you intended), although i noticed that if I place unmatched bets manually on betfair on the same race (ie. whilst the trigger is running) then the trigger starts posting bets every few seconds after a while (presumably because this manual bet counts as an unmatched bet in the market for bu_laytime purposes).  Is there a way around this, for example so that the trigger only considers bets placed by the trigger itself and ignores manual bets that i place on bf on the same market?

2) I added the Trigger "Fave lay 1.01..." because i would still want bets to be reloaded after n minutes even if the previous "run" had seen all bets matched (subject to exposure not getting over the relevant amount, as per condition).  I hoped that the addition of the 1.01 favourite lay (which would always remain unmatched) would ensure this but it runs into problems and bets get posted after one minute then another batch (without cancelling previous ones) ten seconds later, then a minute gap and all bets cancelled and reposted, then 10 secs gap and a new batch added etc.  I cant quite understand why it is doing this?  Or what would be a more elegant way to ensure bets are posted again even if the previous run sees all bets matched?

3) Finally, a simple question - what part of the trigger ensures that bets are cancelled at in play, as i cant see this anywhere in the market status where it gives in play as an option but cant see "not in play" or similar

Many thanks

  • Élite
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answer to number 1.
Delete the      and market's number of unmatched lay bets is greater than 0
press Add Block
copy the time condition and paste it in the new block, now delete the original time condition.
press Add Block again
in the new block
add a new condition
trigger   Laying some selections    Number of runners per selection   is greater than   0
(this condition uses the selections made by your betting trigger Laying some selections only)
now Add a new condition
OR trigger   Fave lay 1.01 to ensure unmatched bets so bets always posted after n min    Number of runners per selection   is greater than   0 (this condition uses the selections made by your betting trigger Laying some selections only)
save condition
now move the close block trigger to the first trigger position, by hovering the mouse pointer over the trigger, press and hold the left button then drag the trigger to the first trigger position.

answer to number 2
in the cancel trigger, more options.
alter the price from 1.01 to 1.00
to make sure that the trigger cancels the 1.01

answer to number 3
the betting trigger you will see Lay  Price  xxxx   Amount  xxxx   Cancel (this is where you alter the bet persistence to Cancel at in-play, Keep at in-play or Take SP )

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Hi Mcbee

Thanks for that.  Hopefully I’ve coded it properly in the attached trigger

The bets I place manually on bf no longer seem to be influencing how the triggers work which is good, although I have noticed a few other minor problems which I’d be interested in your thoughts on – I’ve been monitoring it for some time on Sunday’s racing but still can’t quite work out where the program is falling down.  Here are some observations which may be linked to the same issues:

1) Most of the time the “Laying Some Selections” (LSS) bets are not cancelling at the end of the (now) 24 second period.  So it is increasing the unmatched stake on the relevant selections at every update.  I can’t work out the pattern of when this happens and when it cancels the bets - it seems quite random.

2) Other times all “LSS” bets do cancel properly, although this is rare.  I thought it might be when no bets or perhaps one bet got matched on the initial 24-second period, but it is more complicated than that.  Other times some LSS selections get cancelled at a given update but not others.  For example, a horse might have been laid 11 times at successive updates (without ever getting matched) and then it might get cancelled at the next update, with zero bets on it, whilst no bets on other selections are cancelled at the same time.  I cant fathom it

3) The “FaveLay1.01” bets generally do cancel but there are times when a second bet is placed without cancelling the first.  Unlike the LSS (where unmatched bets often grow in size at end of every period) then the FaveLay1.01 bets never seem to get bigger than twice default stake (ie. are then cancelled at end of following period)

4) I did think some issues might relate to when a horse went above the £100 exposure, and this might be the time when the FaveLay1.01 bets dont get cancelled, but I experimented with removing this condition and still had many of the above issues.  When exposure goes >100, some complicated things do happen though - sometimes other unmatched bets on the horse with >100 exposure are cancelled at this time, other times not etc.  Also if a horse goes from >100 exposure to <100 exposure (ie. as other selections get laid) then it can cause complex trains of event which might cause things to trip up

If you could let me know what you think might be causing the above then that would be great!  Thanks again for your help, am enjoying using the program

  • Élite
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it looks like the bets have not got time to cancel before the close block restarts the block, so some or all of the bets remain not cancelled and new bets are made.
to stop this from happening you need to add a new condition to the close block trigger.
new condition
and markets number of unmatched lay bets is equal to 0

this will stop the close block activating until all the bets are cancelled.

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Thanks, makes sense what you said, ties in with the unpredictable results i'd been seeing.   

Added the condition you mentioned and not quite working yet. It varies a bit by race (Ive trialled on the 330,350 and 400 races tomorrow - no bets get matched of course) but for some reason the initial LSS dont get cancelled with the 1.01 lay at the end of a period (normally the first period, altho it worked for a couple of 24-second-periods on two of the 6 trials I ran, before finding the same problem whereby only the 1.01 bet is cancelled and the LSS bets are left unmatched, meaning no further bets are posted as there are unmatched bets). 

Assume overall should not be ticked in the Close Block trigger but tried with ticked too; same result

Many thanks


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