Author Topic: Change to my current trigger  (Read 7391 times)

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Change to my current trigger
« on: 05 Aug 2020, 10:02 »
hello again.

I've now signed up for a paid acc (and paid for Time Machine).  Instead of requesting my free trigger can I please request another tweak to my existing one?

I now have my current trigger automatically choosing 'favourite' and manually edit the odds to between 1.5-5.0 for my selection.  I now need however to make sure it only chooses this 'favourite' if it's odd's amount is X amount higher than the second highest horse.  I.e. If I set this X amount to 2.0 and the favourite has odds of 1.8 and the next highest favourite has 3.8 then the bet is on, but not if the second favourite has lower odds than 3.8 (or of course if the favourite's odds are outside of 1.5-5.0).

Is this possible and can it please be added to the 'Constants' area so I can tweak the 'X' value (the difference between the favourite and second favourite)?



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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #1 on: 11 Aug 2020, 13:56 »

Are you referring to the attached trigger file?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #2 on: 13 Aug 2020, 08:22 »
Hi, yes that is the latest one.  Thanks.

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #3 on: 15 Aug 2020, 12:42 »
Please see the amended triggers.

The new constant is called min_fav_dif.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #4 on: 21 Aug 2020, 15:40 »
This may be a stupid question but if I was to set the 'mins_before_off' number to -1 would this only start betting 1 minute after the off?  I originally thought this setting was the exact time it would look to place the bet but I think it starts looking for my bet once this time limit has been reached doesn't it?

Does it keep looking for my bet until the race is suspended?

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #5 on: 22 Aug 2020, 10:20 »
In addition to the above, could this figure be set based on the race length (info would be supplied for this)?  This will involve a lot of collating of data on my part so I would rather know if it was possible before requesting the work to be done.


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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #6 on: 27 Aug 2020, 13:59 »

Can you please respond to the above as I'm having to change the 'off' number manually for each race.  I'm quite certain I can enter a minus figure so that the betting doesn't start until after the race is 'off' however I've noticed that it isn't necessarily basing it from the 'off' because if a race seems to be delayed it will bet as soon as the race does eventually start, i.e. If I've set this number to "-2" and the race eventually starts at 1.5 minutes after it's scheduled start time, it seems to start betting 0.5 minutes after the off and not 2 minutes.

I've also noticed that the races show a distance in metres on the main individual market screen so I'm hoping my previous request above is possible.  Please let me know though before I start compiling any data. A quick way though would be to just say that 12secs = 201mts (1furlong) so if it just needs a formula:  Race Length = 4224mts therefore (4224/201)x-0.2=-4.2 Time to start betting after the off. (0.2 = 12secs)

I await your response.



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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #7 on: 27 Aug 2020, 16:11 »
the constant mins_before_off is used in the trigger condition:
and markets minutes before the off is less than mins_before_off
this refers to the scheduled event start time
you can use a negative value in this constant, e.g. -2 and this will represent two minutes after the scheduled start time

the condition: markets minutes since the off refers to actual off time

for your second question this example trigger may be of interest to you.


Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #8 on: 28 Aug 2020, 09:21 »
the constant mins_before_off is used in the trigger condition:
and markets minutes before the off is less than mins_before_off
this refers to the scheduled event start time
you can use a negative value in this constant, e.g. -2 and this will represent two minutes after the scheduled start time

the condition: markets minutes since the off refers to actual off time

for your second question this example trigger may be of interest to you.

What is the constant name needed for the 'off' time?  I replaced mins_before_off with mins_since_off but this doesn't seem to work.  I've tried negative and positive numbers and made sure all of the other constants were set so a bet would definitely be placed but nothing happened.
The trigger you sent looks like something I could use (if it works) however it needs to also incorporate all of the Australian distances as well which are in mt's.  I also wouldn't know how to incorporate this into my trigger.  In addition, is this trigger based on actual 'off' times or the schedule start of the race?  Everything needs to be based on actual 'off' times otherwise it won't work.

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Re: Change to my current trigger
« Reply #9 on: 28 Aug 2020, 11:46 »
the trigger conditions (see screenshot) which use the value of the constant should be changed to:
and markets minutes since the off is greater than x
e.g. and markets minutes since the off is greater than 1.5 will fire 90 seconds after actual start time

in the race distance trigger it is measured from actual start time

you can try doing the trigger formula for AUS yourself, or perhaps put in an enquiry to support to see if that could be done as a trigger request. I seem to recall someone else asking for non-GB race distance timings, but I don't know if it was possible.

also, if you search the forum for "distance" it looks like there is lots of info  
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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