Author Topic: Check for Launch Excel  (Read 5968 times)

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Check for Launch Excel
« on: 19 Oct 2013, 14:19 »

Is there a way to check if the Launch Excel has been pressed and linked with a spreadsheet.

Basically a trigger I am using makes use of looking up prices in a spreadsheet, if I forget to press launch excel and link to the spreadsheet it just backs the score (football correct score market).
Can there be a check put in place within a trigger that does this and ultimately if it doesn't find a spreadsheet open it opens a specific one which is either in the same folder as the trigger in question or on the desktop and links MarketFeeder to it?

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Check for Launch Excel
« Reply #1 on: 19 Oct 2013, 16:14 »
Try to check Excel-bound variables cell_[sheet_name]_[cell_address]
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Re: Check for Launch Excel
« Reply #2 on: 20 Oct 2013, 14:41 »
I take it that having the following in each of my blocks will work:

and Global User Variables cell_Sheet1_F5 are set

I have the spreadsheet open in the background and just need to make sure MF Pro is connected to it, if not do not do anything.

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Re: Check for Launch Excel
« Reply #3 on: 20 Oct 2013, 19:31 »
Hi 3daydealer
If this relates to the HT trigger that backs or lays from the spreadsheet prices, I think the problem occurs where the conditions are stipulating LESS THAN the Excel value.

If the sheet is not connected, the values for the conditions will be zero.
This means the LESS THAN conditions will always be true if the sheet is not connected.

To correct this, use BETWEEN two values:
and selections lay price is between 1.02 and cell_Sheet1_F5
and selections lay price is between 1.02 and cell_Sheet1_F6
choose a lower price that is suitable to your purpose.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Check for Launch Excel
« Reply #4 on: 20 Oct 2013, 21:00 »
Hi 3daydealer
If this relates to the HT trigger that backs or lays from the spreadsheet prices, I think the problem occurs where the conditions are stipulating LESS THAN the Excel value.

If the sheet is not connected, the values for the conditions will be zero.
This means the LESS THAN conditions will always be true if the sheet is not connected.

To correct this, use BETWEEN two values:
and selections lay price is between 1.02 and cell_Sheet1_F5
and selections lay price is between 1.02 and cell_Sheet1_F6
choose a lower price that is suitable to your purpose.

Correct it is to do with the HT lay/back dependant on price.
Apologies Mark, but I don't follow your logic above. I accept that it brings back ZERO in effect, but what happens is that it just backs the current score.

Is there not a way in which MarketFeeder can do a check each time a trigger goes through to check that the software is connected  to Excel and if it is not it either doesn't fire or it opens up an excel spreadsheet and connected?
Surely this cannot be something MarketFeeder doesn't allow you to do, it allows you to write cutting edge and amazing triggers.

I couldn't get it to work using Tim's suggestion of 'Try to check Excel-bound variables cell_[sheet_name]_[cell_address]' as I came up with 'and Global User Variables cell_Sheet1_F5 are set'
Not sure if that is right what I put

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Re: Check for Launch Excel
« Reply #5 on: 20 Oct 2013, 21:29 »
Yes, I am confusing myself too. My previous post was wrong as it referred to the laying trigger.

It is the GREATER THAN conditions in the BACKING trigger that will always be met if the sheet is not connected, because the current back price will be greater than zero. Hence it will back the current score when the sheet is not connected.

By using the condition "is between" you are forcing it to check the sheet is connected
because the current price has to be between the two values you specify
one of which on the worksheet, otherwise the condition will not be met, and no bet placed.

You can do it another way:

Put a dummy (but constant) value e.g. 5 in any non-used cell. Let's say N1

Trigger (at the top):
Action: Activate trigger or block <backing trigger name>
Second Action: Activate trigger or block <laying trigger name>
Condition: selections trigger expression cell_Sheet1_N1 is equal to 5

Trigger (at the bottom):
Action: Deactivate trigger or block <backing trigger name>
Second action: Deactivate trigger or block <laying trigger name>
trigger <backing trigger name> number of runs is greater than 0
or trigger <laying trigger name> number of runs is greater than 0

Uncheck Enabled on the backing and laying triggers and save the file

This will force a check to see if the sheet is connected. If not, no triggers will activate

and / or add the dummy condition to the triggers:
and selections trigger expression cell_Sheet1_N1 is equal to 5
which is what Tim was referring to I think
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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