Author Topic: Condition help  (Read 1630 times)

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Condition help
« on: 23 Jan 2022, 14:09 »
Could anybody help me with the best way to construct a condition that allows
me to set the number of races a trigger will run for in a day.

I run my own trigger but I want to control it to stop after a set number of times if that makes sense.



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Re: Condition help
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jan 2022, 15:16 »
This depends on whether you want to bet on say the first 10 races ordered by time sequence, or say after 10 races where a bet has been placed/

In the former add the following condition to your backing trigger:

and Trigger Expression market_index is less than 11

You could also add  extra Deactivate Trigger/Block and/or Stop Refreshing Market triggers using the condition:

and Trigger Expression market_index is greater than 10

If you want to stop betting after 10 bets have been placed then you will need a variable to count the races.

Constants:  bet_count=0

Add a trigger to activate in-play

Set user variable:  bet_count    Value: bet_count+1

Markets number of matched back (or lay) bets is greater than 0
and Markets minutes since the off is greater than 0.2

You can then use the variable bet_count in your backing trigger to stop any further betting after 10 races have had bets. You will need to reset this variable for the next day's trading with an additional trigger, or simply close MFPro and restart.

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Re: Condition help
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jan 2022, 17:33 »
Thanks for that!

I'll have a play around and see how I get on.

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Re: Condition help
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jan 2022, 20:16 »
If using market_index don't delete any markets from each day's my markets.

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Re: Condition help
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jan 2022, 01:03 »
The more I look at it the more it fries my brain figuring out how it fits into my trigger! 

I'm clearly not as clever as you guys/girls when it comes to this kind of thing.....

I'm thinking a simpler version for me would be to set my market locator to a day (currently 0.05)
and deleting the races over the amount I decide on before I load them into the trigger?

It means a little extra work before a days card but it seems more on my level.

Or pay to get one the more knowledgeable ones at HQ to write it for me :)

Thx for your input all the same its appreciated


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