Author Topic: Conditions  (Read 3086 times)

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« on: 31 Oct 2013, 22:05 »
I am just wondering if the following condition I have in will work and only fire a bet if this time after a market has gone in play is between 52 and 57:

Market's Minutes Since the Off is between event_off+(mf_minute*52) and event_off+(mf_minute*57)

I also have the setting ticked 'Stop monitoring markets 60.00 mins after the off'

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Re: Conditions
« Reply #1 on: 31 Oct 2013, 23:31 »
The condition is:
and selections trigger expression (now_time - event_off)/mf_minute is between 52 and 57

Not sure about the stop monitoring time whether it uses scheduled or actual start time.
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