Author Topic: Correct score market - Trading out for profit after a goal  (Read 2459 times)

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  • Posts: 7
  • Gender: Male
I'm getting really frustrated trying to get my triggers to work as I want it to because I dont know enough about MF Pro and I cannot find the answers by searching the forum.

As it stands I have a set of triggers which will place a back bet on 0-0 at the start of a match to give a set profit (£50 for test). If a goal is scored it will wait for 1 minute for the market to settle then place a back bet on the new scoreline. The stake of the new bet will be enough to cover the loss on 0-0 plus make the original intended profit if it was left to run.

What I want to achieve is that from 20 minutes into the match it will trigger a lay bet on the current scoreline when and only when there is profit available across all other possible scorelines (profit or %profit to be set).

If the score is 0-0 at 20 minutes I can achieve profit and all is well. If a goal or more has been scored then the lay bet is triggering too early and making a loss. I've had matches with an early goal end 1-0 which could have made clear profit but lost because the lay bet is triggering too early.
I've tried green up and distribute profit but can't get the conditions set to make it do what i want. It always triggers too early.

I suppose I could just place a lay bet on the current scoreline but I have no idea how to calculate the stake or required odds for this to make the desired profit. I was hoping that there is a pre-set 'green up the rest of the field' type option that would do the calculations for me.

Can anybody help me with this, either by telling me which trigger option to use and guiding on the conditions, or give some explanation on how i would calculate a single lay bet on the current score line to leave profit across all other available scorelines.

Thanks in advance


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8826
  • Gender: Female
Hi Kevin,

Like I asked in another topic/ticket you created, please attach a screenshot with bets that demonstrate how you want to close that bet, as it is currently not very clear what you mean.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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