Author Topic: [TR] Creating New routine  (Read 3850 times)

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[TR] Creating New routine
« on: 09 Nov 2017, 08:15 »
My idea is as follows:
1. I would like to use Markefeeder during the night because there won't be any problem with Betfair's transaction cost. I need all basketball's match odds markets to be added in MF in an interval of 10 minutes. But I would like to use the option - Market Locator - part of MF. I have created some *.mfl files , but now if I wanted them executed I need to do it manually. It is possible a single/multiple mfl files to be executed at interval of 10 minutes.
2. After 1, I would like to start a particular trigger and to be applied for all previously added markets. It is a check trigger - if the market contains bets I have already placed - delete it. Let's call it "delete market"
3. After 2, I would like to start the real trigger - I have also created this trigger - basketball.triggerfile. Execute it for all markets
4. then again Execute "delete market"once more

And then again in a loop after 10 more minutes - execute the previous points  -1,2,3,4

That is my idea - is it possible to be implemented and would you like  to help with it.
I have the triggers  "delete markets" and "basketball" but now I have to do it manually which annoys me a lot. I have also the *.mfl files and they have some conditions in them which I would like to keep. 
That it is. Any help would be appreciated

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Re: Creating New routine
« Reply #1 on: 09 Nov 2017, 14:26 »

For the time being there is unfortunately no way in MF Pro to automatically add markets from different search templates. You can add them with a 10 minutes interval from one Market Locator template. Use the Scheduled Market Search settings in Monitoring Options. Specify the interval as "once in 0.1667 hours". Make sure that the option "Clear My Markets" in the Market Locator template you are using is turned OFF, otherwise markets will be removed and added back all the time.

Then use the trigger example I am attaching as a basis for your solution. You did not attach the actual trigger file, so I will be using a dummy trigger as a substitution for your actual betting trigger.
As you can see, you need to add two triggers: "delete 1" and "delete 2". The trigger "delete 1" will delete the markets where you have already placed any bets. The trigger "delete 2" will delete the market in 30 seconds after the dummy trigger has worked. You will need to copy these triggers into your trigger block. Then you will need to also copy the action "set user variable trigger_time to now_time" from the dummy trigger to your actual trigger that places the bets.

Then you will need to correct the conditions of "delete 2" by choosing the right trigger name in the condition "Trigger {trigger_name} number of runs is greater than 0".

Make sure you have tested this in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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