  • #1 by BobboMcJobbo on 27 Nov 2023
  • Constants/Variables
    CurrentMonth = Nov or 11
    MonthlyStartBalance = 500

    CurrentSeqStep = 1 to 10
    CurrentMuliplier = 1 to 10.5 

    CustomSeq1 = 1
    CustomMultiplier1 = 1
    CustomSeq2 = 2
    CustomMultiplier2 = 1.5
    ...Etc to 10
    CustomSeq2 = 10
    CustomMultiplier2 = 10.5

    laying trigger. Lay stakes are calculated as so:
    LayStake = CurrentMuliplier * PctOfBank/100 * MonthlyStartBalance 

    At the BEGINNING of each month, assuming Nov now, in Dec, check below will be satisfied:
    IF today is a NEW Month (Now().Month <> CurrentMonth)
      IF {Current Betfair Balance} > MonthlyStartBalance
        CurrentSeqStep =  CurrentSeqStep -1 (1 is MIN CurrentMultiplier) 
      ELSEIF {Current Betfair Balance} < MonthlyStartBalance   
        CurrentSeqStep =  CurrentSeqStep +1 (10 is MAX CurrentMultiplier)
      END IF

      CurrentMuliplier =  CustomMultiplierN for CurrentSeqStep
      MonthlyStartBalance = {Current Betfair Balance}
      CurrentMonth = Dec or 12
    End IF

    I can define the rules for selection criteria, Etc myself, it is the trigger checks for a NEW month I am struggling with, help appreciated!
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 15 Dec 2023
  • Hello!

    See the triggers attached.

    The triggers implement the change of month, and you can use them as a template for your own triggers.

    How to use the triggers:

    1. At the start of your trading, set the current_month constant to the three-letter name of the previous month. For example, today is December, so I need to set current_month to Nov. If today were January, I would set it to Dec, and so on.

    2. Copy and paste the triggers into the trigger file of your own. Keep the order of the triggers intact.

    3. Add whatever actions you need to the trigger called "New month - set your variables here". For example, this one:

    CurrentSeqStep =  CurrentSeqStep -1 (1 is MIN CurrentMultiplier)

    You can pile actions on top of each other, e.g.

    set user variable CurrentSeqStep to CurrentSeqStep + IF (my_balance > MonthlyStartBalance, CurrentMultiplier, -CurrentMultiplier)

    set CurrentMuliplier =  CustomMultiplierN for CurrentSeqStep

    set   MonthlyStartBalance = {Current Betfair Balance}

    Do not set the current month - it is done in the trigger called "setting the current month".

    Make sure to keep the existing action that sets the last_month_change constant at the top of any other actions that you add to this trigger (use drag-n-drop to reorder if necessary).

    The triggers will work for sequential trading where you refresh at least one market in every month.
    If you need to skip a month or if you resume trading after a long pause, repeat step 1.

    If you need help with implementing the rest of the strategy, i.e. the staking plan, please create a new paid request (due to the amount of work involved).
  • #3 by BobboMcJobbo on 18 Dec 2023
  • Excellent, thank you, look fwd to giving it a go!