Author Topic: delay bet  (Read 20219 times)

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #30 on: 19 Oct 2014, 20:09 »
Hi racepro
Well I tested your trigger on a bunch of tennis markets and all I could ever get was 3 bets in each market. The attached screen shot shows the end of a match where the favourite changed many times during the match. The highlighted bet is a greenup and it did not fire at the same time as any other trigger.

I think you need to define precicely how and when the trigger is to repeat i.e. what are the conditions for closing the block and repeating the sequence of bets. From what I have observed, the block closes after the first two bets are made and before any greenup trigger has fired. Is that how it should be? It could be the close block conditions (or lack of them) may be the cause of a possible firing at the same time.

I also believe there is some confusion relating to rank and index. I understand you bet when the favourite changes, but I think you need another condition to ensure it is not the same index as the last favourite, because the favourite can change very quickly around evens. Additionally, the program defines the favourite (or rank 1) as the selection with the lowest back price. if both selections have a back price below 2.00, the program will call the one with the lowest price rank 1, but the actual fav could be either. I hope that makes sense. There is a condition to do this in the fav change trigger from a while back.

If I may also suggest; because the intention of the trigger is to repeat, it could be better not to utilise all those greenup expressions in the price and conditions, which may error. Just do all the back bets at level stakes and build a position on each selection. Then green up the market with one green up action towards the end of the match.
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #31 on: 20 Oct 2014, 00:48 »
Hi Mark,

I downloaded the trigger from the post I sent you and tested it again and puzzled why your tests differ from mine.
My tests shows the 2Fav and Greenup firing together
Your tests you say show firing separately.
We are using exactly the same trigger why are the results different I wonder,  hence the composition is irrelevant at this moment.
There is only one other thing and that is the settings....
any clues as to why our results are inconsistent?

My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #32 on: 20 Oct 2014, 09:16 »
Here is another. Only 2 bets fired, both on the same selection, and no greenups. The screenshot is towards the end of the match.

I'm sorry if I am missing something but I'm afraid I still can't see how the trigger should operate. If you could you describe an exact sequence of bets for a single trade without any repetition, the expected results with p/l per selection, and the conditions required to then do the repetition.

Putting aside the actual principle of the trigger, to simply stop any possible simultaneous firing of 2FAV and Green Index 2, add the following condition to Green Index 2:
and trigger 2FAV number of runs is greater than 0

you could also record another timer variable in 2FAV and put a delay condition in Green Index 2. 
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #33 on: 20 Oct 2014, 10:25 »
Hi Mark,
Thanks I'll work on those.
However the theme of my last post was what is causing us to get differing results.?
Logic tells me if the trigger fires simultaneously on my computer it should also do the same on yours. If not could the 'settings' be an issue ? or profile or ?? We are using exactly the same trigger.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #34 on: 20 Oct 2014, 13:03 »
I re-downloaded the trigger file, and purchased some markets to include the one you were testing on. Attached is my result. If you want I can send my settings file for the profile I am testing in as well. If I can help further please let me know.
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #35 on: 20 Oct 2014, 20:57 »
Hi Mark,
Fantastic, thanks for your effort in downloading that Dodig event. I owe you a pint !!
At least we can compare notes.
For me to try to emulate your results I did the following.
1) disabled greenup trigger
2) run prg and paused after Fav and 2Fav triggers fired.
3) enabled greenup and run prog
I noticed there were some similarities, however as you said the greenup waited till the dying seconds of the event hence the 1.01. Mine showed odds of 1.73 at the same time as yours.
The end time was far different as the event on my computer finished at 2:25:43  whereas yours finished at around 12:43:38
Maybe the data is different and I have attached my file if you wouldn't mind testing to see if that is the case.
Also I have set the waiting time at 120 sec if you could do same
Maybe the settings are different ?
Many thanks
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #36 on: 21 Oct 2014, 10:35 »
Hi Mark,
I have found the problem by process of elimination, having the knowledge that your results didn't show synchronised firing. Details below:
1) I reinstalled MFP and run the event.......... no change.
2) I then changed profile and loaded trigger and tested and no simultaneous firing.
So, the problem appears to be the profile. I am not too conversant with how profiles become corrupted.
One thing I did notice, is that the greenup trigger did not wait till the end of the event to fire as in the case at your end. In fact it was about halfway. Maybe your profile may need looking at.
I will continue checking and report back and deeply grateful for your continued patience in helping me with this problem that was proving very frustrating at times.
I've included the attachment of latest test
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #37 on: 21 Oct 2014, 11:39 »
Thank goodness we can change profiles :)
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #38 on: 21 Oct 2014, 12:08 »
Hi Mark,

It still poses a problem.
I've tried everything I can think of.
* Reinstalled MFP
* New profile  (worked once, only because "allow small bets wasn't ticked")
* Installed on new computer new profile new settings etc, same trigger
Nothing's worked.
Please can you try ticking "allow small bets" in settings and run again and hope you will also get simultaneous firing, then we know our efforts are the same.
Then maybe move forward and find out what is causing this.
Many thanks for your continued patience once again
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: delay bet
« Reply #39 on: 21 Oct 2014, 19:21 »
Yes, I always have it ticked and did have when I was testing your trigger.
The block closes and the trigger repeats after the first two bets are made, and before any greenup fires. Is this what you intended?   
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #40 on: 21 Oct 2014, 21:04 »
Please add this condition block to the Close Block trigger:
    trigger green index 1 number of runs is greater than 0
    or trigger green index 2 number of runs is greater than 0

Also please change the price box in triggers Green Index 1 and Green Index 2:
from best to: r_ticks(back_price,-5)

and try it out in test mode or Time Machine
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Re: delay bet
« Reply #41 on: 21 Oct 2014, 22:42 »
Thanks Mark
I'll get onto it.
Many thanks
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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