Author Topic: Delete fillies only races  (Read 2392 times)

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Delete fillies only races
« on: 05 Jul 2019, 07:19 »
I need to remove races that are exclusively for fillies and was thinking of this condition:

Every selections trigger expression silk_sex is equal to "f"

Does this syntax work, not certain I need the quotes around f.

Any ideas?

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Re: Delete fillies only races
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jul 2019, 14:53 »
Hi rubold
I tested this in Time Machine and it works with and without the quotation marks. silk_sex is a string so I would use the quotes.
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Re: Delete fillies only races
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jul 2019, 16:58 »
As MarkV has rightly said, the rule of a thumb is to use quotes with all text variables and expressions.

You can get away without them if the text string consists of only one word or a number.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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