  • #1 by profitf on 04 Jul 2019
  • Hi everyone.
    I was testing this trigger - and wanted to know if it can be adjusted a bit. I would like to place 2 bets instead of 1. The first one 30 seconds before the race (as it is now) and the second one in play if the price drops for a certain percentage. So for example, If I lay pre race at odds of 5 and the second bet lays when the price drops for 20%. That would be 4. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance! 
  • #2 by profitf on 05 Jul 2019
  • Any help guys?
  • #3 by MarkV on 05 Jul 2019
  • Hi
    formula for percentage price change is (current price - original price)/current price *100

    so you would have a second laying trigger to lay at lay_price in play with these or similar conditions:
    selections lay matched is greater than 0
    and selections trigger expression (lay_price - bm_layp)/lay_price *100 is between -25 and -20

    if you wanted the original trigger to be modified for you it is best to put in a trigger request 