Author Topic: Divide bets inplay and pre match  (Read 2392 times)

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Divide bets inplay and pre match
« on: 04 Jul 2019, 16:01 »
Hi everyone.
I was testing this trigger - and wanted to know if it can be adjusted a bit. I would like to place 2 bets instead of 1. The first one 30 seconds before the race (as it is now) and the second one in play if the price drops for a certain percentage. So for example, If I lay pre race at odds of 5 and the second bet lays when the price drops for 20%. That would be 4. Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance! 

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Re: Divide bets inplay and pre match
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jul 2019, 12:23 »
Any help guys?

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Re: Divide bets inplay and pre match
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jul 2019, 15:49 »
formula for percentage price change is (current price - original price)/current price *100

so you would have a second laying trigger to lay at lay_price in play with these or similar conditions:
selections lay matched is greater than 0
and selections trigger expression (lay_price - bm_layp)/lay_price *100 is between -25 and -20

if you wanted the original trigger to be modified for you it is best to put in a trigger request 
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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