Author Topic: Don't get it, trigger doesn't work [TCKTXYF-594103]  (Read 4008 times)

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Copied from a support request:

I'll wanna make the simpliest trigger in the world - "place back bet after 1 min left from moment when first goal was scored". I turn on refresh rate "when in-play" to 0.3 sec - in case don't miss the market suspension after goal. But it didn't work. Bet placed only on few first matches, but then - nothing. Sometimes, when I reloaded trigger, those market, that supposed already have back bet (but still didn't have it) finally got one. I attached some screens so you could see my logic when I make that trigger. Can you help me with this problem or somehow guide me? Thank you!
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Re: Don't get it, trigger doesn't work [TCKTXYF-594103]
« Reply #1 on: 30 Sep 2013, 16:54 »

Perhaps the market is suspended when the trigger tries to place the bet and then because you have it set to execute one time only, it won't try again. You can view the logs to see if this is happening.

You could try changing Market Status to "In-Play" - then you know it won't try and place a bet when the market is suspended.

Also add the condition: Markets > Minutes Since Last Suspension > is equal or greater than > 1

This will then bet 1 minute after the goal and the markets suspension, the odds should go back to normal.

Yeah! :p

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Re: Don't get it, trigger doesn't work [TCKTXYF-594103]
« Reply #2 on: 30 Sep 2013, 19:22 »
whitey is correct. The manual's explanation:
"one time only
The trigger will only be executed one time in the first market where its conditions are met"

Use: once per market

It should not happen very often that the trigger will miss a suspension, but you can experiment with the following condition either with the one whitey suggested, or on it's own:
and Selection’s Trigger Expression (now_time-last_inplay)/mf_second is greater than 60
it checks the last time the market was turned inplay and counts 60 seconds
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