Author Topic: Duplicate bet escaping - using Trigger Number of runs condition but not working  (Read 3262 times)

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I have an initial lay bet of $25 @ back_price(Block 1), set variable time_sec as 15 (Block2) then Cxl&Lay $25 @ back_price if previous bet is unmatched for >=15 secs (Block 3).

All is working well except a 3rd unwanted $25 bet is escaping as soon as my 2nd $25 bet is matched (creating the desired $50 Lay Matched). Update Bets list is 1 secs  and  Refresh Rate is 4 secs & I am making "Selections Lay Matched <$50" a condition as you'll see below , so I don't know why the following Block 3 (Cxl & Lay) is causing that 3rd $25 bet to escape.

Block 3 - repeat no more often than 5 secs
Trigger 1 - Cancel Lay execute no more often than 2 secs
Conditions - Selections Trigger Expression time_sec <= (now_time-bu_laytime)/0.0000157, Selection's No of Lay Unmatched Bets = 1, Selection's Back_Price <=6
Trigger 2 - Lay execute no more often than 5 secs
Conditions - Trigger [Block3,Trigger1]  Number of runs per selection >0, Selection's Back_Price<=6, Selection's Lay Matched <50, Selection's No of Unmathed Lay Bets = 0

Note : Ultimately, I am going to conceivably have 3 or 4 bets filling the $50 desired matched because of Partial fills, so I am not using rules limiting the no. of Matched Bets.

I have read many posts about Duplicate bets and thought I the above was the solution but its not working. Don't Bet In Actions option doesn't exist on this version I think.

I would certainly welcome some help!



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