Author Topic: dutch back - treat odds as different odds for the purpose of back amount  (Read 2635 times)

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Hi All

New to this, I'm playing with the back-dutch-specified trigger.

I've created a few triggers based on ranges of match_b_book, (so it will back to 80% to win $10) but if its under 50% it will back to lose $20 (as backing to lose $40 at 80%).

I've done a quick search of the triggers, and a quick search of the forums and I can only find the amount to win/amount to lose as a standard amount.

I was wondering how I would change the trigger to treat any odds over a certain odds as a set odds in calculating the bet. For example, treat anything over 10 as 10. So if its 20, or 50 it will bet an amount as if Back Price = 10.

Thanks for your help.


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Just a simple IF statement condition.
IF(back_price>10,10,back_price) then the dutch formula
You can use last_traded as well.
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Thanks for your reply but I don't have a place to put odds (I am using Dutch Back/Lay Action).


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