Author Topic: Dutch with percentage  (Read 2042 times)

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Dutch with percentage
« on: 11 Oct 2018, 08:42 »

I've been working in a horse dutch trigger, witch is a merge of some triggers in the examples and in the forum.
To simplify the main scenario is I want to select runner's if I've got more than a book percentage let's say 10%.
I saw in this forum that the formula is
selection's trigger expression ((100 - match_b_book)/match_b_book) >= WinPercentage/100.

but also saw in other post that the formula is (100-match_b_book) >= WinPercentage.

So I'm a little confuse.

I's also use this var mbook = match_b_book/100 to compute liability, with this formula

current_liability = (((target_profit)/(1-commission))*mbook/(1-mbook)).

I use also dutch to lose current_liability Bet full amounts. but when the trigger place the bet the target profit is smaller than the expected.

With a WinPercentage=10% and target_profit=1€, I will expected that current_liability 10€ (without comission to simplify), but this is not what is happening.

Can you help me ?


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Re: Dutch with percentage
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2018, 08:42 »

Target profit and liability are never equal unless your book% is exactly 100%.

In your example, what is WinPercentage? Is it how much book% is less than 100%? E.g. if you back on X selections, and their back book% is 90%, then WinPercentage will be 10%. Is that correct?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Dutch with percentage
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct 2018, 11:56 »
yes, if back book% is 90%, then WinPercentage will be 10%.

So, should I use the condition
selection's back book% from Top >= WinPercentage ?


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