Author Topic: Trigger Firing Straight Away  (Read 3476 times)

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Trigger Firing Straight Away
« on: 12 Dec 2016, 19:29 »

I'm just playing with trigger from the website but the trigger is firing the "distribute the loss after goal" part of the trigger straight after placing the initial lay.
On some other triggers I have been able to see where the info is being gathered from and make adjustments, but I can't work out what to change in this one.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks,

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  • Posts: 7
Re: Trigger Firing Straight Away
« Reply #1 on: 12 Dec 2016, 20:08 »
Sorry - after placing the initial back! not lay.

Then it starts doing things like this....

18:52:35   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "backing on Under 2.5".
18:52:37   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to LAY £ 3.51 at 2.46 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "distributing the loss after a goal".
18:53:16   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "backing on Under 2.5".
18:53:18   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to LAY £ 2.98 at 2.36 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "distributing the loss after a goal".
18:53:39   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "backing on Under 2.5".
18:53:41   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to LAY £ 3.61 at 2.06 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "distributing the loss after a goal".
18:54:54   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "backing on Under 2.5".
18:54:56   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to LAY £ 3.49 at 2.34 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "distributing the loss after a goal".
18:56:13   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to BACK £ 4.00 at 1.01 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "backing on Under 2.5".
18:56:15   Soccer / Beloften Pro League: Going to LAY £ 3.43 at 4.20 on selection 'Under 2.5 Goals'. Bet is matched. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "distributing the loss after a goal".

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Re: Trigger Firing Straight Away
« Reply #2 on: 12 Dec 2016, 22:42 »
I think you should add a condition to the distribute loss trigger to check a goal has actually been scored, for example:
and selections trigger expression market_score1+market_score2 is greater than 0

and perhaps also check the spread between back and lay prices is reasonable before the DL kicks in, e.g.:
and selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price, lay_price) is less than <your acceptable number of ticks for the spread>
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