Author Topic: Excel  (Read 1415 times)

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« on: 25 Jul 2019, 18:32 »
I need help after trying so much to connect to excel. The manual doesn't tell me what I need to know.

My simple task is to be able to retrieve a value, from a single cell in excel.

I don't wish to have any markets running, I just want to get a single cell value.

For some reason, if I add in market data, the resources used by this process are humongous!

So, I have a sheet in my excel called fibSequence.

In excel options, I have nothing ticked

I add in a simple value of 2.00 into cell A1.

I then open View User Variables, and add in cell_fibSeuence_A1 - nothing comes back
I then try fibSequence!A1 - nothing

Both of these are contained in the manual, but I am not getting anything.

So, I then created a user variable, called myValue, and set its value to cell_fibSequence_B1

Put myValue into the view user variables, and again, nothing.

I wish there was a debug utility in MFP, so I could figure it out for myself, but that wasn't an added feature, so I am stuck, without any documentation to get this working.

Any help on this is appreciated.




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