Author Topic: Exporting Data  (Read 1373 times)

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Exporting Data
« on: 02 May 2022, 21:47 »
Sorry I am not sure where I should post this, I looked around and didn't find exactly what I was after, so maybe someone here can steer me right if it is not too much trouble.

I would like to be able to record the data for a market from maybe 8 minutes out and then every say 30 seconds until the race goes "in play" and then every 2 seconds once it is in play until suspended. I was wondering if this is something that can be done.
Ideally I would like to collect the back price and lay price is two different rows of data, or if not possible, just the back price.

I really don't know if this is doable with this tool, I would just ideally like to be able to import the data into something and run some tests against it. I know the Time Machine has some real time options for testing, but I was thinking along the lines of being able to say ..
Okay for these 30 races if I had run a trigger to lay once a price had dropped 10 ticks in 2 minutes and backed again once it was 4 ticks above the lay price (for example), if I have the raw data I can run all the files at once to check (well I am hoping I can do something like this in excel lol)

Again I am sorry if this is the wrong place, I just don't have any clue at all with exporting data

  • Tim Vetrov
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  • Posts: 4900
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Re: Exporting Data
« Reply #1 on: 03 May 2022, 07:44 »

There is a "Write to file" trigger action you can use to do so.
Note, refreshing "many" markets without placing real bets is against BetFair terms of using and may cause suspending account for "commercial use".
For 1 minute refresh rate without selection volume you can download free BetFair historical data.
For full data coverage you can use TimeMachine ;)
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